- NEW Version 1.2 includes updates to Prison Level and Cheat Codes.
- Version 1.1 includes updates to the City & Docks level.
- Feel free to LINK to this page.
- Please DO NOT copy this walkthrough to any other site.
- Please do not email me for specific hints. Everything you need to know is here.

Welcome to the Prince of Persia 3D online walkthrough where I will hopefully guide you in saving the Princess once again.
It seems that the Prince (who still doesn't have a name after 3 adventures) has lost his Princess (also nameless) and has
gotten himself thrown in the dungeon.
This guide will walk you through all the detailed levels of this amazing adventure as you escape the dungeon and pursue the
Princess and her captors across move than a dozen exciting locations in 12th Century Persia. I'll provide you with all the
locations of weapons, potions, and other items necessary in completing your quest as well as various strategies for defeating
some of the tougher bad guys you will encounter.
Your combat techniques will be critical to your success in this adventure. You will need to master several weapons and various
styles of combat for each. Evasive tactics, counter attacks, and block and parry moves are also critical to winning many of the
battles. Practice these moves early in the game so you will be ready when you really need them.
Jumping, and grabbing onto ledges is another tactic that you need to master right away to survive even the first levels. Always
examine your surroundings for clues to deadly traps. Bloodstains are usually a sign of something sinister nearby; either a
guard or concealed trap just waiting to be sprung. Examine walls for cracks or unusually colored blocks indicating a moveable
section or block in the wall. These hidden passages often lead to weapons or potions.
Try to stay at full health at all times. This will make it easier for you to survive encounters with the guards and also the
occasional poisoned potion flask. Poison is almost never fatal unless you are already very weak. Use other potions such as
Invisibility, to sneak past guards and avoid combat situations. You aren't being scored on how many guards you kill, so sneaking
and stealth are always preferred over reckless and unnecessary combat.
SAVE OFTEN! There is no limit to your saved games. Your game is automatically saved at the beginning of each new level, but you
will also want to save after a difficult combat encounter or after getting past a difficult trap or series of jumps. Saving your
game often will lessen your frustration of having to repeat large portions of the game and increase your enjoyment of the adventure.
This guide has been tested with the PC version of the game, but it should also work for the Playstation version as well. If you
find any discrepancies between the two versions, please email me and let me know.
Prison Escape
You begin your adventure locked in a dungeon cell with no weapons. Turn and locate the off-color block and push it through to
the other side. That was almost too easy! Follow the passage to the right until you reach the corridor with a gate at one end
and an opening on the left. Enter the room and talk to the prisoners for some less-than-helpful clues then pull up to the ledge
above the prisoner on the right (as you enter). Stand under the hole and jump up and pull yourself into the next room. A
cinematic shows a guard discovering that you have escaped.
Take the only exit from this room around and past the prisoner sitting on the ground. Head to the right and into the next room
with a water trough above that feeds the showers in this room. A floor switch at the back of this room opens the wooden gates
above and starts the water flowing. Move over to the trough next to the door that just opened and jump and pull up to the trough
then enter through the gate opening.
Jump in the water and start swimming. Exit to the shore on the right and climb out. Head to the left and climb up the short
ledge. Run across the bridge and jump at the last minute to make it to the other side. If you fall in you will have to swim
back and try again. This time the bridge won't be there so you will have to run and grab and pull up on the opposite edge. Go
to the series of ledges to the left and climb up until you can enter the passage at the top.
Continue down this passage until you reach the watery pit with the spikes below. Do a running jump over this pit and grab at the last
minute so you can grip the opposite edge and pull up. Keep going until you arrive at the wall then crouch down and crawl through
the opening. Talk to the prisoner in the next room who gives you some useful information on the upcoming area and the guards.
Enter the next hall and turn right and go to the corner where you can spot a guard walking back and forth. Wait until he is
walking away from you then jump to the nearest beam above and pull up. Jump to the middle beam and look right to spot an
Invisibility Potion. Drink it then quick drop to the floor and proceed to the end of the hall and
trigger the floor plate which opens the gate further ahead.
While you are still invisible, quickly run past the first guard and back down the hall and around the corner. A guard will be
coming out of the door ahead but you can run right by him. Continue down to the next T-intersection and head right jumping over
the spikes and through the door. Continue slowly through this next passage between the pair of spike traps in the first part
of the hall and to either side of the traps around the corner. In the next area, climb to the top of the wooden roof and face
the opening in the wall and jump through.
Head to the door on the right and follow the passage past the sleeping guard to the stairs leading up. At the top, continue
left then right until you reach the pair of doors on either wall. The door on the right just has a worker who tells you to get
a weapon. Ignore him and this room and enter the door on the left and. Head to the left wall and move the crate to reveal a
concealed cave with a Healing Potion. You may want to save this for your return trip or drink it now
if you need it. Crouch down to get in and drink the potion then return to the hall and continue to the left. Go up the steps
and turn the crank to activate the winch which raises a box to uncover several rats.
Drop to the floor and follow the tracks leading into the passage where you will find a lever next to the torch on the right.
Flip the lever to open the door to the left and enter. Walk out onto the wooden plank then jump and pull up to the platform above.
Do a running jump to the opposite ledge and cling to the edge and pull up. Do another running jump to the following platform.
At the end of the corridor jump diagonally to the right platform and pull up. If you fall you will take some damage but a
Healing Potion is behind one of the boxes. Climb back out by the winch and try again.
The gray room ahead has a guard on duty. Do a running leap into the doorway on the left side of this room and run to the
stairs on the left. At the top of the steps you will need to crouch under the blade trap then stand and head up the stairs
on the right. At the top, turn right and go to the wall with the shower and climb the ledge.
Head to the right over by the brick wall where you will find a box you can move so that it is lined up with the hole in the
wall. Now move to the side and push the box into the hole and watch the guard get crushed below. Drop down and retrieve the
guard's sword. You now have a weapon and won't have to sneak around as much. Head over to the ledge opposite of where the
crate fell and climb up. Return to the opposite ledge in the corner then return through the hallway by jumping to each of the
Jump down in the next room and fight the guard below then exit through the open passage and follow more tracks leading to a crate
and a winch. Climb the ledge and activate the winch to raise the box and reveal a green Endurance Potion.
This is the first of several rare potions that will increase your overall stamina. Follow more tracks to the room with the rats and
jump up to the ledge above. Kill the new guard in this passage and drink the Healing Potion he leaves
behind. Grab that potion in the room to the right if you didn't get it the first time through this area. Continue to the end of this
hall then head down the stairs to the left. Approach the sleeping guard who will wake up and engage you in combat. When he is dead
you can pull the lever on the wall to open the door in the next room past the blade trap.
Take the hall to the right that leads out and back to the beginning of this area. To the left is the hole you jumped through and
to the right is the door you just opened. Directly ahead is a guard you can either fight or run past when his back is turned.
Go into the room on the right with the red glowing floor and turn right to face the sculpture of Assan's head. Watch the
cinematic showing the guard activating the sculpture and opening the gate. Go over to the table and grab the box then return to
the previous room and head left. Crawl under the slicing blade trap and enter the Torture Chamber.
Move toward the head-crushing device and put the box on it. Then go and flip the nearby lever to activate the device and smash
the box revealing a bracelet. Go get the bracelet then exit this room by crawling back through the blade trap passage and return
to the room with Assan's head. Stand in front of the sculpture and activate it to open the gate. Follow the passage beyond and
fight another guard in the next room. When he is dead you can enter the door to the blue area and watch the closing movie. You
have escaped from the prison...
Ivory Tower
You begin in the blue hall you entered as you left the prison level. Turn right and head up the ramp and through the door. A
cinematic takes over and a sniper at the top of the tower will fire several arrows at you which you barely dodge. You end up flat
against the wall. Turn left and run across the bridge to get out of the sniper's view and examine the area around the pool. To
the right is a drawbridge, but as you near it the guard raises the bridge. You need to find some way to flip that switch from
way over here - perhaps a bow and arrow...from the sniper above.
Continue around the pool until you spot the wooden bridge with a gap. Jump the gap to land on the bridge and follow it as it
ramps up and through an arch. Head to the right and follow the walkway. Climb up onto the ledge and continue around until you
reach a stone wall. This can be a very deadly trap if you aren't fast. Stand against the wall with the blades on your right
and jump and cling to the wall (do NOT pull up or you will die in the blade trap on top of the ledge). While you are hanging,
shimmy to the right until you are clear of the blade trap above and then pull up. As soon as you are standing a block will start
moving toward you and try to push you back down onto the blades below. Quickly turn using the quick-reverse command and jump to
the ledge across from you. Grab and pull up to the safety of this ledge.
Move forward and turn left and jump over the blades in the floor. Walk out onto the wooden platform and turn to the left. Walk
to the edge and do a standing jump to the next wooden platform. The walkway T's to the right ending at a dead end. Continue
forward and walk off the edge to the platform slight below this one. At the end of this short walkway you can jump up to the
higher ledge and continue around until you reach the hole in the left wall. Jump into the hole and continue.
Enter the open door and continue to the hall. It turns to the right and you will notice several suspicious raised stones and even
more suspicious holes in the wall. Yes, this is a dart trap and the stones will trigger the darts. You may either walk
between these stone triggers at 45-degree angles or jump over them. Once you are past this trapped hall you can enter the open
passage to the left.
This room has a pair of blue floor stones which open the next two gates to the right. These gates only stay open for a short
time and you will have to open them in the proper order. Enter the room and step on the stone to open the first gate then
quickly run to the back wall and run over that stone as you arc around and run through the gates. If you don't make it there is
a stone in between the gates to let you back into this room to try again.
Once you are through both gates you need to get against the left wall and jump across and pull up to the narrow stone ledge.
Be careful as there are two large sections which will crumble and fall away if you touch them. The first section is immediately
to your right and the final section is at the very end. Run across the first section and it will fall out under you. You will
make it to the next stable piece as long as you don't stop. Stand under the wooden beam and jump and pull up. Walk out to the
wooden ledge and use it to get a running start so you can jump to the window.
Follow the ledge around to the right and turn left into the guardhouse. You will surprise the archer who will stumble and fall
to his death far below. Take his bow (you will not be able to arm it until you find some arrows) and get ready to do a swan dive
into the pool below. While you are up here you may want to get the healing potion to your right
(facing the pool). It is on the narrow circular ledge. Walk out to the end of the right platform and do a standing jump to get
the potion. This is a tricky jump so only go for it if you need the healing.
Run off the ledge and fall into the pool - do NOT jump or you will hit the floor on the far side of the pool. There isn't
anything in the water so climb out and head to where the guard fell to his death. You should find some arrows which you can
add to your arsenal. Now go to the raised drawbridge and ready your bow. Align the targeting sight with the small square trigger
on the winch and fire. The bridge will lower and you can cross. Have your sword ready as soon as you get to the other side. A
guard will ambush you from the right.
When the guard is dead you can turn and go through the next trapped hallway. Make sure to crouch to avoid the slicing blades
that come out of the walls. Head around the corner to the guard towers and the large gate. A cinematic will show a guard
escorting a prisoner into the palace. It also shows what must be done for you to open the gate later. For now, walk across
the large area and into the passage on the far side.
Follow the hall to the small room and look at the ceiling. There are several sets of spikes in the ceiling and there are columns
directly under each of these that will rise up and crush you if you step on them. Sidestep the areas under these spikes and make
your way to the opposite door. Follow the passage until you reach the hall being guarded by the soldier with a staff weapon.
You need to defeat this guard then move on down the passage. A cinematic shows the fallen guard pressing an alarm just as he
dies which causes several pieces of floor to fall away in the next passage.
This next hall isn't that hard, even with most of the floor missing. Below are several stone ledges which are much safer to use
when crossing this next area. First line up and do a diagonal jump into the first door on the left. Inside are more arrows you
can add to your collection. Exit the door and fall straight down onto the stone ledge. Turn and jump across the gap to the next
ledge. Climb up and into the second left door and get the healing potion in this room. Now drop
back down to the stone ledge and cross over to the opposite door and pull up to continue.
Pull the desk out away from the wall and crouch to crawl through the hole. In the next room the only way out is through the hole
in the corner of the ceiling. It is too high to reach from the floor, so slide the nearby box under the hole and climb onto the
box then jump and pull up to the area above. Go through the door onto the platform then climb to the ledge above. Line up with
the angled portion of the ledge and jump over to the wooden beam then make a running jump to the opposite ledge. Pull up and
Kill the guard in this next room and take the healing potion he leaves behind. Continue through the
next door and you will be in one of the guard towers. Stand on the pressure plate to complete half of the sequence to open the
gate. Ready your bow and aim through the bars toward the opposite tower. Target the other guard and wait for clear shot and fire.
The guard will fall onto the trigger in his tower when he dies and complete the sequence. The gate will open and you can go out
onto the ledge and start dropping down from ledge to ledge until you can turn left and jump to the bridge. You could also jump
to the floor and take the ramp back up to the bridge if you want. Run through the gate and into the next area where you can step
on the blue floor trigger to lower the drawbridge and exit this level.
As you begin this new level you will go past a well. Climb on the edge of the well and jump to the rope and slide down to the
sewer below (nice to know they drink from the sewer). Ahead of you is a gate so turn around and walk down the underground passage
through the waist-high water. A short dead end passage leads to the right. Follow it to the end and get the stash of arrows then
return to the main sewer pipe. You could go right to the large room with deeper water but nothing is in there. Return to the rope
and prepare to climb out.
After you deal with the surprise attack by the sewer monster you can climb out and jump back to dry land. Getting off the rope can
be tricky - just let go of all action keys and press DOWN twice to jump back off the rope. If you fall you will die. Now move ahead
to the stack of boxes and get the arrows lying here. An archer will shoot at you from the watchtower ahead. Hide behind the boxes
and ready your bow. You will have to step back or to the side to get a clean shot at the sniper. When he is dead you can continue.
Go to the right of the boxes and look out over the water. There is a ledge below with a box but your target is the rope. Do a
running leap to the rope and grab on. You can move with the swing of the rope to increase your arc then let go at the end of the
swing towards the stairs. You should land on the steps and can start climbing up and to the right. You will have to jump, grab,
and pull up across a pair of gaps in the steps to reach the top ledge. Head out to where you killed the archer and get more arrows
and a healing potion.
Continue across to the other side and get in the small elevator to the right and ride it down to the ledge leading out toward
the boat. Jump to the deck of the boat then head to the rear and use the oar to get the boat moving. Get ready to fight when the
assassin drops onto the deck. He is a hard opponent so make sure to block his attacks and counter with your own. When the fight
is over the boat will take you through some large wooden gates into the harbor area at the Palace docks.
Facing the rear of the boat, jump into the water on the right and locate the submerged box floating in the water. Climb onto this
box then jump to the next floating box and climb on. Jump/climb onto the wall and head right to get a healing potion
then check out your surroundings. A moveable box is nearby but it has no use to you. Return back to the wall near the floating
boxes and look out to spot a thick pole sticking out of the water. Jump out and grab and pull up onto this pole then turn and jump
and grab onto the chain. Climb up and spin around so your back is to the ledge then drop off onto the upper ledge. Head to the
other side of this catwalk and flip the switch to start the box moving back and forth across the harbor area.
Look up to spot a hanging platform. Go to the other side of the catwalk and drag/push the box under this platform then climb onto
the box and jump onto the platform. From this ledge you can jump out to another hanging platform closer to the moving box. Turn
and face the area where the box is passing beneath you and run off the platform just as the box is going past. Do NOT jump or you
will miss the box. Ride on the box to the right and when it reaches the end jump down to the dock before the box goes back out over
the water.
Several boxes are along this next section of the dock and you can choose to go to either the left or right of them. Each presents
its own challenge. To the right are pressure plates in the floor which trigger darts traps. You can jump over them and avoid the
darts or you can take the left side which is slightly easier. There are two sections of this path that will drop out from under
you. Just start running and jump over the sections as you near them. You should also be holding your grab button just in case you
miss and fall - you will cling to the opposite edge and can still pull up and continue.
Head up the ramp and then up some stairs to right the big guy guarding the doors to the palace. Don't waste arrows on this guy.
Rush him and attack with your sword. This guy is really tough so make sure to block his attacks and counter with your own. When
he is dead you can step on the pressure switch and open the door to enter the palace.
The palace is very large and complex level and is divided into three main sections. Below are three links to jump to any of these
sections if you need help with a specific area.
Palace Entrance
Palace Interior
Palace Escape
Palace Entrance
As you approach the series of vertical ramps you must first deal with the guard. When he is dead you can get the yellow potion
and follow the hall back to the T-intersection. Turn left and flip the wall switch to lower the ramp then turn around and head to
the other end of this hall. You can check out the small chamber to the left and view the moat and palace ahead. Enter the darker
passage and flip this switch which raises the gate at the end of the greenish hall. This gate is on a timer so you must quickly
get through the next hall but you will also have to crawl since there are deadly blade traps in the wall. Once through, turn right
and return to the area where you killed the first guard and go up the ramp.
Deal with the large guard waiting for you at the top of this ramp then flip the switch on the left to raise the ramp. Return to the
ramp and walk up the incline to another T-intersection. Both directions are dead ends so jump into the window in the back wall and
move forward. Push the box forward to raise a section of wall allowing you access to the next area.
Move quickly to avoid the deadly arrows of a pair of archers. One is across this large room to the right of the fountain. You must
run toward him and engage him in hand-to-hand combat. He will pull out a staff weapon when you get close. Kill him quickly then
seek cover from the other sniper who is already shooting at you from the upper ledge back where you entered this room. A
healing potion is over by the fountain. Grab it on your way back to the wall where you entered. You
are safe from the sniper above in this area so move the nearby box over so it is lined up with the hole in the wall then shove it
into the hole to lower the wall allowing you access to the other side.
There is a ramp above you and two raised sections to either side. The right side is blocked with a plant so climb onto the left
side and move to the end and climb onto the short box. Pull up to the next ledge and turn and jump onto the ramp. When the guard
on the other side of the bridge sees you he will close the gates and raise the bridge. Climb to the top of the ramp and look at the
windows to the left (as you go up the ramp). A guard is walking back and forth. Run and jump to the windowsill and hang on.
Shimmy to the left until you are under the far left window then pull up when the guard is walking away to the right. Ready your
sword and kill the guard when he comes back and get the healing potion he leaves behind.
You can climb into the window behind you and get a better view of what lies ahead. Your destination for now lies in the other
direction through the door and across a collapsing bridge. Run and jump across the bridge to the opposite side and move into the
next area. A gold alcove on the left had a stash of arrows on the floor. Take them then move into the window and out onto the
ledge. You are now on the ledge above the fountain room and opposite the ledge with the sniper from earlier. He is to your right
and several large tapestries are blocking most of his shots. You can still take damage so you must act quickly.
Turn right and move to the end of your ledge and jump up to the wooden beam with the hanging tapestry. Start swinging back and forth
and launch yourself toward the rope. Grab the rope and swing again until your arc is high enough to carry you to the next ledge.
Cling to the edge of this ledge and shimmy to the left until you are behind the column and out of sight of the archer. Climb onto
the ledge and run around the column and whip out your sword. You should be able to surprise the archer and get behind him for a
devastating back-attack and kill him in two slices. Go to the far end of this ledge and get some arrows before entering the
window back by the fallen archer.
Head down the short call to another window that overlooks the moat and the palace. Jump out to the rope and climb up until you are
above the wooden beam. Jump off the rope and onto the beam and follow it to the roof. Climb up and walk around to the front and
your view will change to look down on the guard on the other side of the raised drawbridge. With the bridge in the "up" position
the end is near - near enough to jump to. Jump the small gap over the moat and slide down the bridge and pull out your sword.
Do not pull out your sword while sliding or you will automatically sheath it when you hit bottom. Kill the guard and investigate
the dark passage to the right. It is a short dead end with a healing potion hidden inside.
Enter the huge circular room and watch the cinematic of the machine rising through the iris in the ceiling. There are three bookcases
in this room. Assuming you entered this room at the 6 o'clock position the bookcases at 9 and 12 o'clock are both fatal traps. You
only need to activate the bookcase on the right (at 3 o'clock) to access the next passage.
Take the short hall to the lift and tide it to the top. Exit down another short hall into a large circular room above the iris you
saw earlier. There is a closed door on the opposite side and a passage higher up and to the right. Some boxes on the left side of
the opposite passage allow you to step up to a higher ledge then jump over to a wooden platform. Back up and get a running start
and jump to the stone ledge at the base of the high passage. Pull up and follow this passage to a pressure plate that opens the
door leading to a stone spiral staircase.
Climb the stairs and kill the guard who charges down the hall. Grab the arrows lying on the floor at the top of the stairs then
head down the passage where the guard came from. Another pressure plate opens the door leading out to a ledge high above the iris
below. A sniper is across this chamber on a higher ledge. Aim up and kill him with your bow. I recommend a magic arrow for a
quick kill. Then flip the nearby switch and quickly get onto the wooden platform. Ride it around and jump off into the narrow
alcove before it reverses and takes you back to the starting ledge.
Climb up to the next higher ledge where a box blocks your path. Back off and cling to the side of this ledge and shimmy left past
the box and pull up on the other side to get the healing potion. Now push the box forward until you
can jump up and grab the top ledge and pull up to the next higher area. Look out and to the right and spot the rope and jump out
to it. Swing across to the next suspended platform and then jump to the hanging chain. Climb up and jump off to the ledge where
the fallen sniper lies.
A door flanked by two large spears is behind the body of the guard. The door won't open and you can't get the spears, so head back
to the left of the door and find the area where you can jump up to the next higher ledge. Continue left and climb up again into a
passage concealed behind some grates and find the super-jump potion. Head back the way you came until
you reach the edge of the ledge and jump to the next higher block. With your increased jumping ability you can easily jump
over the door below and onto the opposite ledge. Climb up and continue forward until the ledge ends. Turn and face the interior
of the room.
There are three suspended platforms you will be jumping to. The first is above the ledge with the switch. Jump to this ledge then
turn and face the next ledge leading around in a clockwise pattern. Jump to this ledge which should be directly beneath the wooden
beam attached to the machine above. At this time you can jump straight up and continue or you can choose to make another daring
leap to the next highest ledge across the room with the healing potion on it. If you make this jump
then drink the potion and return to the ledge and jump straight up to grab the beam and pull up. Another
healing potion is inside a dark alcove in the bookcases. Jump up to get that one if you need it then
head to the main deck of this machine and pull the lever.
The machine will rise up through the next iris and you will find yourself in a new chamber. A very large guard with an equally
large tattoo patrols the floor below. Jump down off the machine and fight the guard. Use all your best moves, blocks, and counter
attacks to defeat him. When he is dead you can exit through the corridor and the door at the end.
Palace Interior
Those of you who played the Prince of Persia 3D Demo will recognize this level. You find yourself on a narrow bridge under
immediate attack from a very nasty guard. Kill him quickly and continue across the bridge into the next building. Pass through the
first small room and into the octagonal beyond. A ledge is directly ahead of you and passages lead out on either side of the ledge.
The left passage leads to a corridor that takes you to the top of a long flight of stairs leading down to a pool of water, a guard, and
a locked gate. You could go there now and kill the guard but you will have to return back to this central room and go to the right to
solve the puzzles necessary in opening that locked gate.
The right passage leads to a room with twin columns in the center. The columns are trapped with swinging blades. The exit opposite from
where you entered is also trapped with a large chopping blade which will slam down as you pass through. This room is part of a larger
puzzle which begins back out in the central room.
Now that you know what is down both of the passages, head toward the ledge in front of you and climb up. Turn right and go into the
next room and you will find a pressure plate in the floor to the left. Directly ahead is a small drop-off to a dark passage that
leads to a gate and also wraps around leading to stairs down to the trap-room from the previous paragraph. The following puzzle must be
completed quickly as the gates that will open are on a timer.
Stand with your back to the pressure plate and back up onto it. When it activates you will hear a gate opening to the left. Run forward
and drop off the ledge - you will be in the room with the twin columns and slicing blade traps. Directly behind you is another pressure
plate. Don't waste time turning around - just back up onto it and then run forward between the two columns. Stay in the exact middle of
the columns and the blades won't even come out. Turn left and slowly approach the door. When you get close the giant blade will slam
down. Wait for it to slowly go back up and run through the door before the trap resets. Head up the stairs and turn left to find the
dark passage and the opening in the wall. The gates you just raised were in this doorway and the one on the other side of the deep pit
and they will close in just a moment.
Quickly line-up with the rope and jump to it and swing to the other side and land on the ledge. Climb the rope that is here up to the
ledge above and jump back to this ledge and enter the room, being cautious of the spiked floor traps that spring up in various locations.
To the right is a passage with a guard. Kill him and continue around as the hall angles right leading to another rope. Swing across to
the other side and enter the next passage.
To the left in a small alcove is a healing potion. Use it if you need it or save it for later - you will be
returning this way shortly. The gate ahead of you is locked so turn and go to the left and enter the circular room on the right. The
floor opens and drops you into a pit just as a spiked ceiling slowly starts to descend. You have about ten seconds to locate the
moveable block and push it into the next room creating an escape from the crushing doom behind you.
In this new room you will find the passage leading out and to the right. Jump up and grab the edge of the floor above and pull up to
the catwalk-like structure. Once again you have two possible directions to go - for now just go to the left and follow the passage
until you arrive at the ledge overlooking the courtyard. A switch here will unlock the gate I mentioned at the beginning of this section.
After you flip it you can return back to the catwalk and around to the other passage. Stairs lead up to pressure plate which opens the
other locked gate from earlier. If you didn't drink the potion earlier then you may want to get it now - you won't be coming back.
Walk out onto the ledge and look down. Far below is the pool of water I mentioned earlier. Run off the ledge and you will fall into the
water below. Climb out of the pool and head past the stairs and into the next room. Kill the hooded assassin guard (if you didn't do it
earlier) then approach the now-opened gate. Pass through and watch the brief cinematic.
Palace Escape
Head down the stairs and drop off the ledge. Another ledge hangs above you. Jump up and grab and pull up then cross to the other side
by going around the pool the belly dancer dove into. Drop off the matching ledge on the other side and head to the left. Some arrows
are stashed on the top of the wall. Grab them then return to the right corner of this large courtyard where there is a guard tower and
a sniper who is already targeting you.
There are two ways to kill this guard; the easy way and the way the designers wanted you to. The easy way is to snipe this guard yourself.
A single Swarm Arrow will usually kill him, or you can use several of your normal arrows. Of course you could always play the game as
intended and run into the door at the base of the tower. Turn right and find the section of moveable wall and push it in. This lowers
a rope in the center of the tower. Circle around until you reach the Monk - don't kill him - then enter the door on the right and climb
the rope to the top of the tower. The archer will get a few shots at you while you climb up plus I found this rope extremely difficult
to dismount. Falling from this height is instant death. So kill the guard however you want. When he is dead you can return to the Monk.
Continue around the passage and carefully enter the next room. A healing potion baits you from across the
room but a pair of dart traps forces you to be extra cautious in getting it. Enter the door on the left and jump to the rope at a 45
degree angle so you are swinging to the corner of the opposite ledge. You can either land on the ledge or grip the side. Shimmy if
necessary to clear the spikes that fill the central portion of this ledge. Walk to the far side of this ledge and sidestep to the middle
and do a standing jump to the doorway.
Follow the passage around to the left until you reach the closed gate. A pressure plate will open the gate taking you back to the Monk
but first you will want to turn and climb up to the ledge behind you. Prepare to battle a pair of guards. When they are dead you can
continue to the back of this raised area and climb up another ledge. Get the Tri-Point Double Assassin Blades lying on the floor and flip
the lever to shutdown the machine and stop the spinning underwater blades.
As you pass by the Monk he will offer the use of his Shrine (the box-like device in the tower room with the rope). You can use this
Shrine to enchant any single normal arrow you have in your possession. Just approach the Shrine and it will open. Press action to enchant an
arrow. The magical essence of these Shrines is only temporary and varies in power and duration for each Shrine you encounter.
Return to the outer courtyard and climb to the central gazebo. Dive into the pool then take a deep breath and dive down and swim through
the green passage into the next room. You will see the blades you recently stopped from spinning and a pair of passages lead out on
either side of the blades. Take either passage - they both lead to the next room - and quickly surface as your air is almost gone.
This room (the pool room) has three closed gates and one that is open. Go into the next room and you will find three switches; red,
green, and blue. These switches open their matching gates in the pool room. Step on the blue switch to open the gate in the same location
back in the pool room. Return to the pool room and enter the short hall. The torch on the right is unlit and sideways. Activate this
torch to open the hidden door and enter the next area.
Fight the assassin guard and take his healing potion then climb up the short wall beyond and get the arrows
lying on the floor. Enter the next room with the altar and four torches. Climb onto the altar and pull up to the floor above. Be very
careful as there are pressure plates surrounding this hole that will activate the dart trap. Sidestep as necessary and exit this room.
Head around to the left until you reach a closed gate and a guard on the other side. Turn right and walk out onto the ledge. A pair of
guards are below on a ledge just outside a door. Kill them with your bow - this make take several arrows - then return to the pool room
and enter the other room to step on the red switch.
Enter the pool room to spot another gate opening. Enter the small room and jump up to the left ledge and enter the doorway. Turn the
corner and jump off the ledge to avoid the deadly spikes below. Follow the passage until you exit out onto the ledge where the two
guards you just killed are lying. If you didn't kill them earlier then kill them now. Head to the right and step on the pressure plate
to raise the bridge and cross over to the next area.
Again, jump up to the left ledge and exit out onto the ledge. Make a tricky jump to the balcony then enter the hallway through the door.
You are now on the other side of that gate from earlier - the side with the guard. Fight him now and take his healing potion
then use the pressure plate to open the gate and return to the room with the hole. Drop down to the altar and return to the pool room.
Before you get there you will spot a new passage available to you on the right. Take this passage and ride the elevator up.
Exit the lift and head to the right where you will find a rope you can use to swing to the other side. Continue into the next room which
is above the room with the three colored switches. Cross around to the other side and push the gold urn over the edge causing it to land
on the blue switch. Now you can jump out to the chain hanging in the middle of this room and climb down to the floor below. Step on the
green switch and return to the pool room to take the final passage.
Follow the passage until you arrive at the top of a massive foyer. Twin stairs lead down on both sides and you can take either one to
lead you to the final encounter with the belly dancer. Don't be distracted by her graceful moves - she is very deadly and has over twice
the hit points that you do. You will need to use all of your combat experience to defeat her. I recommend the sword. If you try to use
your knives she will tear you up before you can even scratch her. When she is finally dead you can claim her healing potion
then exit through the door. Follow the passage and watch out for the spinning blade trap around the final corner. Run past these blades
as they are lowering back into the floor. Enter the door to exit this level and start the very cool cinematic.
Head across the bridge. Note the green potion on the right - you will be getting it shortly but not from this area. Kill the guard at the far
end and take the healing potion he leaves behind. Ignore the switch on the wall (it closes the gate behind you)
and continue forward and to the left. You can jump over the railing at the top of the stairs or duck under the slicing blade trap on the
banister as you go down them. Run toward the opening at the far end of this passage and the guard will close the gate as you approach. Turn
left and climb out onto the window sill and drop to the outer ledge. Turn right and follow the ledge around the corner and kill the guard who
shut the gate.
Turn left and run across the crumbling ledge - grab on and pull up or jump to clear this gap. Move forward until the arches are on your right.
Go into the first arch and locate the floor plate and step on it to open the shutters in the back wall. Climb through to the ledge on the other
side. To your left is a window high in the wall and to your right is another floor plate to reopen the shutters on your return trip. For now,
move left and jump across to the ledge just below the torch-lit terrace with the assassin guard on top. Climb up to the top and kill this guard
the run and jump to the walkway on the opposite side.
The walkway continue toward a tower then splits in either direction. Head right a few steps then face away from the tower and spot the ledge
below. Jump to this ledge and enter the door. Turn right and continue up the spiral steps and into the next hall. An opening in the left wall
leads out to the deck with the green endurance potion which will increase your total health. Continue up the step
and turn right. Drop from the window back to the ledge with the floor plate and step on it to open the shutters and climb through to where you
Move forward through the arch and jump across the alley to the opposite ledge and pull up. Sidestep to the right and pull up to the upper
ledge. You can go to the far right end of this ledge and drop down to get the healing potion if you need it,
otherwise just jump through the window in front of you and drop to the floor.
Kill the guard in this room and take the arrows he leaves behind. Proceed through the door and down the stairs to the open area outside and
watch the cinematic of Rugnor and your Princess. A sniper on a ledge high above to your left is already shooting at you. Take cover
behind one of the battlements (square stone columns) on the left. Jump and grip the edge of the battlement and wait for the sniper to shoot.
Then while he is reloading, pull up and jump the gap to the ledge ahead of you. If you land on the ledge, quickly run to the right. If you
come up short, then grip the edge and shimmy sideways to the right and pull up. Locate the lit window and jump to the ledge and enter.
Continue to the rope and jump to it and slide down to the floor below. There are two exits from this room, Through one of the exits you can
see another door - this is the exit you need to take but don't go through that second door. Turn right and go up the stairs and step on the
switch. Drop to the floor below and go outside. Move the box over to the high ledge and use it as a step to climb up. Follow the ledge
around to the left and enter the door. The hallway beyond is double-trapped with spikes and slicing blades. Jump the spikes then duck and
crawl under the blades.
Continue to the right and step on the switch and avoid the dart trap. Turn right and locate the narrow ledge. Jump and grab then shimmy to
the left until you are under the door then pull up and enter. Walk outside and turn and pull up to the next ledge. Ignore the Green Poison
Potion on this ledge. Turn and do a running leap to the opposite ledge then turn left and head to the rope. Jump to the rope and swing to
the other side then head right to the edge and do a standing jump to the large balcony below. Enter the door and turn left and take the
stairs leading down. Jump over the spikes at the bottom of the stairs then turn right and head out onto the bridge. When you are between
the four columns turn left and walk off the bridge to the area below.
Your now need to jump to the ledge with the guard ahead and to the left. You can either make the jump and kill the guard in hand-to-hand
combat, or snipe him with a few arrows then make the jump when it is all clear. Either way, jump to the ledge and head up the stairs. Enter
the room and step on the floor switch to lower a lantern then exit back to the stairs. Go down halfway and jump over the short wall to land
in front of a gate which will open as you approach. Go inside and fight the old man who attacks from the left. Continue down the hall from
where he attacked and enter the small room. Ride the lift to the top and exit.
Turn left and continue to the doorway on the ledge. Avoid the spikes as you enter the door and take a right. Watch out for the sniper in
this area. Run across the bridge and turn right. When you arrive at the stairs you will notice a pair of beams running above the stairs.
Jump to either of these beams and shimmy over the stairs which are trapped and will open dropping you in a deadly pit otherwise. At the
bottom of the stairs, take the door leading to the next hall with a pair of doors. Both doors lead outside so take either. Jump to the
aqueduct and follow the watery path straight ahead into the doorway. Turn left and run down the ramp and jump to the rope swinging to the
central platform. Fight and kill the assassin and take his healing potion. Jump to the opposite ledge and climb
the short wall and enter the door on the right to end this level.
City and Docks
As soon as this level starts quickly climb onto the box on your right and then jump to the ledge above. You could fight the guards below, but
there are no rewards for your efforts. Make your way along the ledge until you are above the stone wall with the gate in it. Drop down onto
this wall and walk across to the other side then get on the next ledge. Drop off and hang from this ledge and shimmy past the spiked area.
Pull up on the other side and turn to face the next ledge across the street. Watch out for the dark raised sections on the corners of both
of these ledges. They are triggers for deadly dart traps which launch from behind you. To avoid the traps jump across at a slight angle to
the left and the darts will miss you.
Continue forward until you reach a carpeted area with a pair of Life Stealer Arrows. Pick them up then turn and jump across to the lower
slanted roof across the street. Drop off to the street below and continue past the fountain until you spot a large guard up ahead. A small
alley on the left contains several boxes. You can pull out one of these boxes to access a shape-change potion.
When you drink it you will look like the other street guards and can simply walk by anyone you encounter. This is on a timer so get moving.
Walk toward the big guard and turn left and head down the street. A pair of guards are at the next intersection. Turn right and go a short
distance then turn right again into a dead end area. Climb the ledge leading to the door and take the ramp up to a room with a Key and a
healing potion. Get both then drop through the window to the street below. You will have changed back to the
Prince so watch out for the guard who attacks as you hit the pavement. Kill him then return to the fountain.
Locate the keyhole at the top of the two short ledges and use the key. Enter the left passage (the right goes to the same location but is
heavily trapped) and follow it around to the alley with many ledges and deadly dart traps. Stay along the wall as you approach this area
to avoid the darts shooting down the middle of the passage. Jump across to the opposite ledge then drop to the ground and kill the guard
below. Move on top of the grate in the corner and open it to access the sewers below.
Follow the watery passage down and turn left. Watch out for the spikes coming out of the walls. Time your dash through the spikes as they
are retracting and continue to the hole beyond. Back into the hole and hang onto the edge. The camera will move to an overhead view and you
will see a pattern of spikes poking into the shaft. Time your drop when the spikes are retracted and drop to the lower passage. Head up the
ramp to the open area where a Muck Monster swims around. You are safe on this ledge and can easily kill him with a few arrows. He is much
harder to kill in hand-to-hand as he has a very fast strike attack.
When he is dead you can continue up the opposite ramp. Those spikes are too difficult to jump from here. Turn and pull up to the ledge above
then face the spike alley and do a running jump out to the vine. Start swinging and release to land on the opposite ledge. Continue down
the tunnel and climb the rope at the end to arrive at the docks.
Walk out onto the dock until it collapses. Fall to the lower level and move ahead and around the corner to the left. Turn left at the next
corner and you will come to a gap in the wall with a table, pot, and some arrows. Grab the arrows then return to the far side of this building.
Find the ramp that crosses the gap between the buildings. Head up the slope and turn and pull up to the next higher ledge. You should now be on
the top section where a door enters the building behind you on the right.
Don't enter the door just yet. Turn left and follow the walkway until you reach a wooden ramp leading up. A stone building should be at the
top of the ramp to the left. Don't go up the ramp; instead, drop off on the left side and continue forward until you can spot the hole in the
floor above. Pull up into the lit room and find the green endurance potion. Drink it and drop back to the deck
below. Continue between the buildings until you are overlooking the water. To your right should be the high door leading into the building.
Turn left and look down to spot a building below. Beyond this building is a shipwreck out on the horizon.
Get a running start and jump to the roof of this building. Walk to the back edge and stay to the left. Turn and lower yourself over the edge
and drop. Grab immediately just in case you miss the walkway below. You will catch yourself and can pull up to the ledge and get the
healing potion. The walkway will crumble and fall away if you go to your left, so just pull back up to the roof.
Off in the distance ahead of you, you should see the door you need to return to. But first, one more quick stop. Run and jump from the right
corner of this roof to land on the nearby walkway. You should be right outside a doorway. Enter and talk to the man and get the flute from the
table. Exit, turn right and jump to the next walkway.
Return to the sloped ledge ahead and cross to the building on the left. Climb onto this ledge and walk up the slope then pull up to the next
higher ledge. Turn once more and jump to the top ledge and move around to the right to find the door that enters this building. Most of the
floor in here is very unstable. Go just inside the door and turn and do a standing jump to the middle of the room. You will land on a stable
piece of wood. Now take a few steps back from the far edge of this platform and do a standing jump to the next lower piece of stable floor
below. (Use first person viewing to line-up these jumps before attempting them). Now back off this ledge and hang and drop to the floor below
and you won't take any damage.
Head toward the corner room with the shovel and you will find a hole leading below. Drop through to the tunnel below and follow the passage
to the underground lake. Another Muck Monster swims around here and you can either kill him or avoid him. The far right passage is the
safest of the two for exiting. Make your way around the ledges (or wade across the water if you killed the Muck Monster) and enter this
passage. When you turn the next corner to the left there will be a bottomless pit. You cannot jump this pit but there is a very narrow
ledge along the left side you can walk across. Past this pit you will see the other tunnel from the lake room branching in from the left.
A short passage on the right has a healing potion. At the end of this passage is a coiled rope. Play the flute
and it will rise up out of the pit. You may have to try various locations to activate the flute/rope. Climb out of the tunnel to the wharf
Head down the wharf until it splits off in a Y. Take the right fork to the house at the end and enter. Drink the strength potion
which will make the next boss-battle much easier. Return to the Y and take the other path. Ignore the house on the left - it is empty. Keep
heading to the right and a giant Muck Monster will attack. He smashes up a lot of the wharf and you will fight him in waist-high water. You
should easily defeat him with the added strength of the potion you just drank.
When it is dead you can move ahead to the nearest piece of the wharf. This is the ONLY time you can be in the water without automatically being
eaten by a Muck Monster. Once you are on the wood you need to stay on it for the rest of the level. Start jumping across the various broken
pieces of the wharf as you make your way toward the Dirigible in the distance. When you reach the wall, climb to the top. Ignore the guard in
the nearby boat and quickly dive into the water (this water is safe) to avoid the pair of archers on the towers. Swim to the opposite
side of the harbor and exit onto the wooden dock. Ignore the guard here and enter the door to exit the level and start another cool cinematic.
The next few levels are going to test every bit of your patience and your jumping abilities. Almost every jump is a life and death
situation and one slip or missed ledge will send you plummeting to your doom. Keep your finger over the QuickSave and use it often!
Begin the level by climbing the rope in front of you. Jump off the rope and enter the room and talk to the man then climb the boxes and exit
through the hole in the ceiling. Kill the skinny crewman then turn right and jump up to the ledge above. Head right along the ledge and cross
the plank leading right and onto the platform. Continue straight and climb up to the next ledge. There are several crates in this container.
Climb the first large crate and jump to the conveyor belt. Run to the opposite side and enter the building to get some arrow. Return to the
container and move to the boxes in the back.
Climb up these crates and pull up onto the ledge. Turn left and quickly get up the small step and draw your weapon to fight the big guard.
When he is dead you can move toward the pressure switch and step on it to open the nearby door. The guard will vanish as you enter this new
room and the man inside will tell you that each guard you kill makes all the others stronger. Turn right and get the healing potion
then climb up and through the window.
Jump from this ledge to the platform below then walk forward and turn right. Jump over to the box with the rope inside and climb the rope. Exit
to the ledge at the top and make your way to the stack of crates nearby. Climb up to the ledge and get more arrows then climb back down the
crates and walk back toward the rope. Turn left before you get there and spot the next ledge you need to jump to. Another rope is accessible
from this ledge. Climb up and jump from the rope into the room above. Walk to the other end of this box-like room and jump to the rope to
avoid the falling floor around it. Climb up and jump to the next platform.
Get a running start so you can leap to the doorway and continue up to the platform with the guard. Kill him then continue around this large
deck and jump to the wooden platform hanging from several chains. Climb to the ledge above this then jump to the door. Continue past the gears
and up the ramp to the pressure switch. Step on it to lower the drawbridge then return to the machine room. Jump over the trapped floor as you
reenter this room then turn right and head out onto the bridge. Jump from the end of the bridge to the platform beyond then climb the crate on
the left and continue up to the next ledge.
Climb up another crate then turn and jump to the next ledge and follow the walkway to the top. Kill the guard on the right and if you need it
you can carefully walk out onto the beams to get the healing potion. Watch out for the pressure plates on some of
the beams that will trigger an arrow trap. Climb up the crates near where you kill the skinny crewman and turn to jump onto the platform that
is moving back and forth. Turn right and stand on the edge of this moving section and when it reaches the far end jump up to the next walkway.
Continue forward being very cautious of the giant slicing blade trap. Wait for it to slam down then run through as it is resetting.
Continue along this path until you can jump to the right to the central platform. Turn left and follow it around until you can jump to the next
platform. Move forward and climb to the next ledge then turn left and go through the archway. Continue to the end and turn right and jump to
the hanging crate which is a counterweight to a similar crate on the other end of the beam. The cinematic shows where this crate is.
When the crate is at the bottom, turn and jump to the walkway behind you and run back to the central platform. Continue back to the left and
this time run off the end of the ledge and jump to the crate on the other end of the balance beam. Depending on how fast you are this crate may
already be lowering. Leap across to this crate and then to the ledge beyond. From this platform you can jump to the next small platform then
head to the edge and wait for the wooden lift to come up. Step on and ride to the top. Turn right and jump to the far ledge as you near the
top. If you fail to make the jump you will be crushed with a sickening crunch.
Head to the end of this walkway and face the rope. Jump to the rope and climb up then drop off into the doorway. Climb to the ledge and exit
through the window above the door you just entered. A guard is ahead and to the right. Kill him now with your bow then climb the rope and spin
around so your back is facing the sliding platform below. When the platform is beneath you (you will hear a noise) drop down and ride it to the
other side. Jump to the opposite ledge when this platform reaches the other side and head left. Run to the rope and swing across to the building
and get some arrows inside. Return to the previous walkway using the rope and walk to the end. Turn right and jump to the higher ledge. Grab
on and pull up then walk to the end of this ledge and turn right again. Pull up to the ledge with the dead guard and walk to the end.
Turn left and drop down to the doorway with the floor plate. It opens this shack and you can get the healing potion
inside. Return to the ledge with the guard and climb the ledge on the left. Another guard is off in the distance. You need to kill him with
your bow as soon as you can get a clean shot or he will cause you problems as you get closer. He guards a purple potion which you will be
getting in a few moments. Continue from this ledge into the next building then head out through the door on the right. Turn left and drop
straight down to the walkway below. Follow this catwalk through another slicing blade trap to the end of the ledge then turn left and climb up
to the next ledge. Jump to the platform outside the building and enter to get the strength potion. Exit the building
and jump down to the lower catwalk and repeat the last few climbs until you are back on the highest section. Turn and face the moving platform.
Climb onto the platform as it nears and ride it to the other side. If you need it, you can turn left now and go to the rope and climb down to
get the healing potion below. Return to the top and go to the right when you are ready. Another skinny guard is
on the upper ledge. You can kill him now with an arrow or wait and deal with him in person. Continue around and enter the door and go up the
stairs. Kill the guard (if you didn't already) and flip the switch he was guarding. A large section of the circular walkway will lower into
place. Follow it back around to the right until you spot the healing potion. If you aren't wounded then save the
potion until after the next combat.
Turn right and walk up the ramp and fight the big guard. Now go get that potion if you need it before continue to the end of this walkway. At
the end turn and climb the ledge then head left to the hanging crate. Turn right and jump to the rope. Climb to the platform and jump off then
follow the series of platforms until you reach the gold roof. Now is a good time to target the guard ahead with an arrow and finish him off.
Jump to the next few platforms then line up for the jump to the big hanging box. When you land on the box run forward and jump to the central
platform quickly before the box lowers and you have to repeat all this over again.
Ignore the floor plates and the switch and turn to the vertical wood walls on the right. Jump to the wall and grab on and pull up. Do a standing
jump to the tent then run off the canvas and continue forward. A guard will be pursuing you from behind, but you can easily beat him to the
lift around the corner to the right. Ride it to the top then enter the next lift to the left and ride it to the next level. Exit the lift and
watch the guard leave this area. Walk out onto the catwalk and it will crumble taking you down with it. Now you are forced to take the very
long way to get to that exit. Head to the end of this walkway and turn left. Back off the ledge and hang until the platform slides beneath you.
Drop and ride it to the other side where you can climb up to a ledge with a conveyor belt and a blade trap. Cross the treadmill and time your
jump through this trap and cling to the opposite ledge to pull up.
Turn left and leap to the horizontal beam and swing across to the opposite ledge. Turn right and ride the lift to the upper ledge. Run, jump,
and swing across a pair of horizontal beams to the next ledge then get ready for a difficult jump. Jump out to the rope and start swinging.
As you swing watch the moving wooden platform and when it is nearing the slicing blade trap below let go at the right moment to land on this
moving platform. Jump to the next stationary platform then hang off the ledge and wait for the platform to slide below you so you can drop
Ride this platform and jump to the next platform when you get close enough and ride this one to the far side where you can jump and climb to
the ledge. Turn left and jump into the doorway and flip the switch to lower the lift behind you. Climb on and ride it to the top. Turn and
jump out the window onto the ledge. Turn left and leap to the walkway and follow it around to the end. Drop to the ledge below and face the
next section where large boxes are moving in and out. Time your run past these boxes and turn right to enter the door at the far side of this
Drop to the platform below and walk to the ledge. Climb down to the suspended catwalk with the pair of blade traps. Time your run through
the first trap then jump and grab as the middle section of the catwalk falls away. Get past the remaining blade trap then turn left and wait
for the giant fan blades to spin around. Time your jump early so you land on the blade and quickly turn to face the outside edge of the blade.
When you spin to the far side jump to the ledge with the crate. Use the crate to climb to the upper ledge and step on the pressure plate to open
the door. Enter to fight the crew boss.
This guy is tough and with ten health points on his side you will have to use some good strategy to defeat him. Block his attacks and counter
with your own to do extra damage. When he is dead you can move forward and flip the switch on the wall. This entire section will spin so that
the walls are now floors. You will also lose all your weapons. Continue forward and start climbing the walls which now form ledges. Make your
way to the crate and use it to step up to even higher wall sections. When you reach the very top you can pull up into the elevator. Ride it
to the top and exit to the walkway. Follow it around to the left and then the right until it ends at a small gazebo.
Upper Dirigible
Exit the left and head up the steps to the waterfall. Jump in the pool and get the key then turn and head back to the arches on the right.
Enter and use the key on the lock to open the timed gate. Enter quickly but stop just on the other side as a pair of statues with swords will
move in to slice you. Wait for the statues to pull back before dashing between them. A guard is waiting for you in the next room but you are
still unarmed. Run across the first pressure plate to open the gate. Jump over the second floor switch and run through the gate and over the
third switch to shut the gate. You are safe for now so continue down this passage.
When you reach the bunkhouse check the left side and pick up the staff weapon. Continue up the ramp and to the left to the next door. A guard
is in this room and you can test your new weapon on him. When he is dead you need to get past another pair of slicing statues then quickly
duck down to avoid the giant ceiling fan which will take your head clean off if you get too close. Stay down until you get to the safety of the
hall on the left then you can stand and exit back outside.
Drop to the plank below and run to the other side. It will start to retract so you must be quick. Jump through the opposite door and into the
next room where a wall switch will activate a giant forklift. It will move a giant box to the opening in the floor and drop it. As soon as the
box is dropped run and leap to the forklift and grab on. Ride it to the other side and pull up to the ledge and quickly get to the left so you
don't get crushed by the next box that drops in. Walk around to the door in the right wall behind the box and continue.
Cross the bridge and get the healing potion as you make your way down a series of ramps. The floor will open and
dump you into a lower area with a floor switch. It opens the door leading to a small room which dumps you to a ledge when you enter. Turn and
find the path of hanging platforms leading down. Kill the guard on the first platform and get his healing potion.
Now start making your way along the rest of the platforms until you reach the green stone platform with the sliding box. Get past this box and
then jump to the wooden box below with the hole in the corner. Drop into the box and get against the wall to avoid the arrows of the sniper outside.
Run across the short walkway to the next green ledge and get past the sliding box on this ledge. Jump to the platform and grab onto the rope and
climb up. Quickly get off the rope and turn to fight the archer who has been shooting at you. When he is dead you can take his bow and enter
the room ahead to get some arrows. Turn to the opening and make a daring running leap to the far platform. Turn left and spot the next group
of hanging platforms leading up. Start climbing.
When you reach the top you will be on of those green platforms from earlier. You will need to step out onto the box as it slides out and ride
it to its furthest limit then jump to the platform above. Run across the long platform and jump as the middle falls out. Grab if you come up
short and continue to the end where you can climb onto the box. Above the box is a very nasty meat grinder which spins then shuts down just long
enough for you to pull up and run to the far side and climb up through the hole in the ceiling. This takes careful time and you need to make
sure you get around the far edge of the blade.
When you are above the chopping machine turn and head through the door leading to the conveyor belt with a pair of chopping blades. Time
your run through this area carefully and drop to the floor on the other side. A door on the left leads to a ramp heading up to a grassy area.
A guard patrols this area - you may fight him or ignore him and run to the arches on the left. Head toward the pool in the center of this area
and climb up the first two ledges and find the ledge that sticks out toward another suspended ledge along the far wall. Jump to this hanging
ledge and drink the super-jump potion.
Jump straight up to the platform above and stand on the floor switch to lower the drawbridge. Jump across to the drawbridge and go to the
center and jump straight up again through the hole in the ceiling. Jump to one of the ledges along the far wall then drop to the ledge below
and stand on the floor switch to lower another bridge. Climb back to the top ledge and jump back to the center. Cross this new bridge and jump
to the ledge on the other side of the room. Climb up to the top ledge and stand on another switch to lower the elevator back in the center
structure. Return to the center and ride the elevator to the top.
When you reach the top, grab the rope and climb up to the room above and follow the hall that leads to a series of ramps. Head up the ramps
then drop into the next room and turn left to face a hallway with large wooden hammers waiting to pound you into the floor. Time your run past
the hammer and make your way into the next passage. Turn right and stay along the wall to avoid the flames shooting out of the wall. Turn left
and drop down through the hole and talk to the man. He will tell you about poisonous gas in the next room.
Stand on the switch to open the door and enter the room. Locate the box and the vent in the center of the room then slide the box on top of the
vent to block the deadly gas. Flip the wall switch to lower the lift and quickly climb on before it goes back up. Turn and kill the guard who
is charging at you as you exit the lift. Head out onto the catwalk and jump to the central platform. Climb onto any of the gold blocks around
the perimeter of this platform and use them to climb up to the upper deck. In the center of this deck is a large catapult and a floor switch
that will rotate the device clockwise.
Several towers surround you, but only one has a lowered drawbridge. Stand on the switch once to rotate the catapult and aim it at this tower.
Then climb up and hop onto the catapult to be launched through the air toward the tower. You will hit the safety net and bounce out onto the
ledge. Turn and jump up to the platform directly above then walk forward and turn and climb up once more to end the level.
Dirigible Finale
Climb the ledge and head to the right. A guard exits the first tower and you must defeat him before proceeding. Run toward the rope and jump
and grab on as the floor breaks away beneath you. Swing to the center and land on the platform which also breaks sending you to the ledge below.
Enter the central room and climb the rope to the room above. Once you are on this level you can pull up to any of the four ledges above you.
In the center is a floor switch will will drop several wall sections and reveal your arch nemesis, Rugnor. Prepare to fight.
Once again you must use all your combat skills. Watch for his attacks and block them then immediately follow-up with a counter attack. Retreat
and try to bait him into attacking then strike when he moves into range of your staff weapon. When he is dead you will see a great cinematic
and then you will be off to the next level.
Floating Ruins
Well if you thought you did a lot of jumping and ledge-hopping in that last level - you ain't seen nuthin' yet! This level is the mother of
all jumping levels and I highly recommend QuickSaving after every successful jump or you will go insane before the level is finished. Even worse
is that almost every missed jump is fatal and there are several long stretches where you cannot even save your game. Just keep pounding that
F6 key before and after each successful jump and you will be fine.
The previous cinematic had our hero plunging to his doom. Fortunately for our hero, there was a pool of water floating in the air that he could
splash into. Swim to the surface and climb out onto the ledge and get your bearings. Try not to get sick from the green swirling clouds or
spinning stone ruins as you make your first leap to the nearest ledge. The platform ahead has a winged demon waiting for you. These guys take
4-5 arrows to kill so you decide on how you want to kill him. Kill him from here or jump to his ledge and use your staff. Climb the next
ledge leading to a platform.
Run to the end of the platform and a new piece will fall into place. Keep on running and the path will create itself as you continue. It will
also be collapsing behind you so don't stop running. At the end you will need to jump and grab to cover the small gap. Once you are on the
solid platform you can locate the moving boxes and get ready for more jumping. Jump to the first box then onto the second as it passes by.
A running jump from this box will get you to the ledge above then you can turn right and follow the series of ledges that lead to the rope.
Swing to the horizontal bar then swing to the ledge beyond. Turn right and jump to the rope and swing across the gap then turn right again
and climb the next two ledges.
Run to the end of this ledge and turn right to spot a large plateau sticking out of the rocks. Directly ahead is a column on a narrow ledge.
Jump to the right of the column and get the healing potion. Return to the previous ledge and turn left and jump
over to the ledge. Run and jump over the crumbling section to the middle then climb up to the ledge sticking out of the cliff. The camera
will pull back showing three ledges sliding out. Climb to either side ledge and then jump to the middle ledge and climb up into the hole. Jump
to the horizontal bar and swing to the rocks ahead. You will land on the far side of a slope and start sliding down. Start holding the grab
button and you will grip the bar at the bottom of this slide. Swing once more to the next bar then shimmy to the right and line-up with the
next ledge. When you are ready, swing and launch to this ledge.
Follow the curving path around to your first encounter with a Grease Monkey monster. Choose arrows or your staff and when he is dead you can
take his healing potion. Continue to the structure ahead and climb up and turn left to face the gap in the floor.
Jump the gap and move to the left and jump onto the floating rock. Ride it to the top and turn to face the opening in the wall. Jump to the
opening and enter. As you run down this next area several stone slabs will slide out and try to crush you. Swing across the horizontal bar
and get to the far end and jump across the gap to the safety of the next floating platform. Move forward and climb up to the next section on
the right and continue around this L-shaped ledge.
Jump to the top of the structure and start running down the new ledge. More slabs will slide out but you can get past them easily as long as
you don't stop running. Jump to the next piece of floating wall and follow it around to the ledge with the hole. Jump into the hole and watch
for more crushing slabs in this room. Head to the far side and drop through the hole then turn to spot some ledges you can jump to. Make your
way across these ledges and kill another flying demon. Continue to the right and jump to the building and head down the stairs.
You are now at the beginning of a new series of platforms that lead to a large stone wall. Start jumping and you will come to a switch that
will raise a large section revealing an opening in the wall. Continue across to this opening and get the super-jump potion.
Jump across the first two platforms then turn left and jump to the large plateau. If you are in need of health at this point you can take a
side-trip to the gazebo on the left and climb the spiral steps. Jump the gaps and make your way to the roof where a healing potion
rests on a narrow ledge.
Your ultimate destination is the platforms on the right. Jump to them and continue to the next plateau and continue up to the ledge with the
demon. Kill the demon then turn right and jump out to the narrow wall and get the arrows. Return to the L-shaped section of this wall and use
the short side of the L to get a running start to jump back to the upper plateau. Start making your way up the long series of floating rocks
until you are on the final stone that takes you up between two possible destinations. One path leads to a large statue and the other path leads
to a strange device with lightning. Go towards the lightning for now.
Head up the short ramp and onto the stone bridge. The short towers on either side conceal blade traps. Drop off either side of the bridge and
shimmy past the towers then pull back up and continue to the rotating disc ahead. There are three pools around this area and each pool will
teleport you to another. This is the only way to get past the deadly lightning. Locate the pool with the stairs leading down and jump in.
Swim to the bottom to teleport to the next pool. Surface then swim down to teleport once again. You should now be in a pool just to the left
of a new path leading to a small temple-like structure with a purple gem. If not then keep using the pools to teleport until you can exit
and access this bridge without being blocked by lightning.
Jump to the rotating disc then quickly jump to the stone bridge and follow it out to the temple. Get the gem then climb up to another bridge
with blades in the towers. Hang off the side and shimmy past then pull up and jump into the pool on the right. Teleport back to the pool to
the left of the entrance bridge to this area. Jump to the disc and back to the bridge. Repeat the shimmy move to get past the blade trap
then head toward the statue of the face.
Head down the short ramp and jump to the stone that is going up and down then jump across to the opposite ledge and go up the short ramp to the
hands. As you approach, one hand will open. Climb up the right side of the statue and insert the purple gem into the empty eye socket then
drop to the ground and the other hand will open freeing Iamasu. This winged creature will fly away for now. Enter the area where he was being
held prisoner and claim the sword. You can use it right away on the winged demon who attacks.
Slide down the ramp to the next tricky area. This area is only confusing because of the misleading camera angle. If you start panning the
camera around you will see what looks like a solid floor is made up of various ledges at different heights. Plan your path then move forward
and jump to the two platforms diagonally to your left. Continue across the ledges until you reach the ledge with the Grease Monkey. You can
either fight him or just run past into the doorway - he won't pursue you.
Ride the lift to the top then walk to the edge and jump up to the hole above and pull up. Climb the rope that you find here and jump off at the
top then pull up to the ledge the rope was attached to. Climb up the short stone wall ahead then climb the rope beyond that to the entrance
above. Jump off the rope and enter the round room. Move around to the left and find the box. Slide it against the wall with the keyhole in
it then continue around to the floor switch and step on it. A machine will lower from the ceiling and in a burst of magic you are reduced in
size to only a few inches tall.
Move around to the string to your left which now serves as a rope. Climb up and jump off to the ledge behind you then turn left and pull up to
the wooden arm. Walk out to the spinning disc and run clockwise against the spinning. Avoid the flame jets and jump to the railing along the
wall. Walk along this railing and jump to the box you previous slid against the wall. Enter the keyhole and out the other side just as you
get big again.
This next section has more ledges for you to jump to. Continue forward until you can go no further then head to the right making your way to
the Shrine on the right. Climb up to the Shrine and enchant one of your arrows. Quickly climb up to the next higher ledge and aim to your left
at the guard on the high ledge. Shoot him with the Arrow of Possession and you will become the guard. Move the stone slab on this ledge and
push it below. By now you are probably the Prince again. Jump down to this ledge and push the block over so you can use it to get up to the
narrow ledge with the green potion. Drink the endurance potion to increase your total possible health.
Now return to the ledge with the Shrine and continue up. Don't bother enchanting another arrow - it will wear off long before you get to use it.
Keep going until you can enter the door high above. As you enter the arena through one of the archways, three doors will open and three demons
will attack. Even with your increased stamina you are no match for these odds. Just run straight ahead toward the platform where Iamasu just
landing. Mount the magical beast and he will take you away from the demons and this demonic level.
Run past Iamasu and jump across the gap to the ledge. If you miss you won't fall far and can still pull up on the other side. Continue around
to the next ledge and keep climbing up until you reach the top then turn right to face the ledge by the waterfall which looks further than it
really is. Since you are higher you can easily make this jump. Once you land, turn to face the falls and jump through the water to the cave
inside and get the stash of five arrows. Exit the cave and start jump to the ledges on the right. Start climbing the vertical rock steps until
you reach the top.
From this plateau you should spot a rope stretched across the gap near the falls. Jump to the rope and shimmy across until you are facing the
ledge on the other side then swing and launch toward this ledge. Climb up some more ledges and head left into the area with the block of ice.
This is actually a frozen Monk and you need to thaw him out to unlock the nearby door. Continue past the monk and up the next series of steep
steps. You will reach a large stone temple entrance at the top. Continue past this door along the narrow ledge and find the cave in the cliff.
Climb into the cave and get the chunk of meat the rats are eating then return to the temple door.
Enter and head into the room with three doors and a pressure plate. Drop the meat on the pressure plate and the rats will come over to eat.
Their weight will trip the switch and you can enter either the right door or the one ahead of you. The left door is you exit out of here in a
few moments. Follow either of the passage to the corner room where a large demon will attack. Kill the demon then go step on the switch by the
skull. This will reveal a magical flame which you can use to enchant one of your arrows. This only lasts a very short time so quickly run back
to the previous room and down the other passage.
Carefully run out of the opening at a sharp angle to the right - if you have too much forward momentum you will fall to your death. Quickly run
down the steps and whip out your bow and shoot the magical arrow at the frozen Monk. If you are quick enough the arrow will still be hot and the
Monk will melt and unlock the door for you. Continue through to the next area.
Walk onto the plateau and onto the patch of snow. You will fall through to a cave below. Exit the cave and climb down the ledges until you
reach the bottom. Turn around and spot a cave with a healing potion inside. Once you get the potion exit the cave
and locate the ledge directly above the entrance. Continue climbing several ledges until you reach the top ledge with the pool of water. Look
to the right and spot a very narrow ledge. You can jump and grab onto this ledge and shimmy to the right until you can pull up on the larger
Continue around the cliff and continue climbing up until you reach the ledge with the broken rope bridge above. Turn and run to the hanging rope
and swing to the opposite ledge then head around the narrow ledge to the left. Watch out for the collapsing sections as you make your way to
the top of the next large plateau. Grab the arrows on the final step before reaching the top then left toward the next rock formation. Avoid
the patches of snow on this plateau as they all conceal bottomless pits.
Jump the chasm and start climbing more ledges until you reach the top level with the guardhouse and a giant WereRat. These guys are so short
it is hard to hit them with the sword - I recommend the staff weapon to finish them off quickly. When the creature is dead continue to the door
and step on the pressure switch partially concealed in the snow drift to the right of the door. Enter and pass through to the other side where
another guard will attack. Kill him then continue forward and turn left to find an entrance.
Watch out for the collapsing floor in the middle of this room. A potion his behind a gate to the right but you need to drop through the hole
to the floor below. Another WereRat attacks but you know how to defeat them now. Head away from the rope down the narrow passage to find a
green endurance potion. After you drink it, return to the rope and climb up to the area above. You are now on the
other side of that previous gate so you can drink the invisibility potion then quickly climb up the raised section
and pull up to the room above. An assassin guard the hole in the floor but if you walk you can sneak by him and drop through the hole to the
other side of the gate and exit this building.
Back outside, continue forward to the long patch of unstable snow with the rope stretched across. Watch out for the sniper in the top of the
guard tower you passed through when you entered. You can kill him if you want but I recommend saving your arrows. You can cross this next
hazardous area one of two ways. You can make a mad dash across the snow-bridge; as long as you don't stumble or stop you will make it. You
can also drop off the edge here to the ledge below and start making your way across a long series of ledges and jumps to get to the other side.
There is no reason to take this obviously harder route unless you collapsed the snow bridge and are still on this side.
When you reach the other side you will be in a tiled area and a demon will be attacking from the passage. Kill him and take his
healing potion then continue down the passage to the underground lake. Dive in and swim to the left and continue
deeper into the cavern and exit the water on the shore to the right. Walk past the ramp and over to the switch which opens the door. Enter the
room and flip another switch to shut the gate and stop the water from pouring into this cavern. Now exit and return to the ramp you just passed
and go up and turn left. Pass the first turn to the left and continue to the back wall and jump the gap where the water gate is. On the other
side, turn left and follow the path around to the right and into the next area.
Follow the tunnel into the room with the large skull and a pair of switches on opposite walls. Press both switches and the skull will rise and
release a demon which you must defeat. When he is dead you can press both of the switches again and the skull will rise again and you can enter
and get the feather-fall potion. Press the switch inside here to open the gate behind you. Return to bridge
that extends out over the water and jump off to the right and swim to the stone wall with the three openings. Climb to the top of the wall
and walk to the left end. Face the ledge beyond and jump.
Your feather fall ability will seem to make you jump in slow motion. This is great for dropping or jumping further than you normally could have
before. Start climbing the next series of ledges until you reach the top. An archer is around the corner high on a ledge. You can try to
snipe him from here but I recommend just charging down the path and jumping to his ledge. Hang from the ledge until just after he fires an
arrow then quickly pull up and charge with your sword. You should be able to kill him before he can reload his bow or switch to another weapon.
Continue up the next series of ledges to the raging underwater river. Jump in and press the grab button immediately. You will start grabbing
onto the rocks in the river which will slow your trip down the river. When you finally go flying out over the falls make sure you are grabbing
just in case you overshoot the rope bridge. You will grab the railing and can pull up. Standing on the bridge facing the falls, turn and go
right. Continue along the ledge and jump the gap to the next ledge.
A rope is stretched across the gap and you must jump to it and shimmy across. The trick is that with your new feather-fall ability you must
stand much further back than normal so your new increased arc puts you on the rope and not over it. Take about 4 steps back and jump at an
angle toward the rope and grab. Shimmy to the other side and land on the ledge then jump to the rope on the right and swing to the other side.
Jump up to the overhanging ledge on the left then jump to the ledge on the right.
Now comes a very tricky climbing and shimmy section. You need to make your way up the next series of ledges but due to the camera angle you
often cannot see these narrow ledges. Try shifting your camera view to a higher angle and you should start spotting the narrow ledges you can
use to shimmy to wider ledges you can stand on. As you near the final ledge you will come to a section where you will be going to the left
and cannot shimmy any further or pull up. At this point you need to let go of the ledge and immediately grab again to catch the ledge below.
This technique will be use several more times in the upcoming levels so I will refer to it as the drop/grab move.
After you have climbed your way to the top you can head down the passage to the other side to a ledge overlooking a massive lake. Take the
sloped ledge up to the right and climb to the plateau above with the pair of guardhouses. Head to the first door and step on the pressure plate
to open the door. Draw your sword and sidestep into the doorway and start swinging. You should get the advantage of surprise and get several
free hits on the assassin inside. When he is dead you can continue to the second guardhouse and repeat the same procedure. When he is dead
you can flip the switch on the right wall to lower the drawbridge and enter the temple.
Sun Temple
A channel of lava blocks your progress and a female assassin waits for you on the opposite side. Jump the lava and kill her quickly. Your
destination is to the right through the Jaws of Death trap but you must first head left and do a few things. Go to the end of the room and
locate the button in the floor. Stepping on the button opens the gate back through the Jaws of Death but only for a short time. You must find
something to keep the button down.
Jump to the ledge above the button and kill the guard waiting for you. Move forward and climb up through the hole in the ceiling and climb up
to the next passage. At the far end is a box you can push over the edge which will land on the button and permanently open the gate. Now you
can retrace your steps back to the floor and head to the other side of the room. Time your dash through the Jaws of Death and enter the next area.
Turn left and go through the now-open gate and cross the bridge. When you are halfway out, turn and go to the switch on the right wall and
flip it to get some ledges to start moving. Return to the bridge and turn right to continue to the other side and flip the switch on the right
side of the gate to open it. Move out onto the ledge and start jumping from platform to platform. You will want to jump quite early (almost a
full platform-width) to land on each successive platform. When you reach the opposite ledge, go through the door and enter the next hallway.
Continue down the hall through another Jaws of Death trap then turn left into the next room. The door will shut behind you and a guard will
attack. Kill the guard then exit down the passage to the right. The floor will collapse and send you falling into the next level...
Moon Temple
SPLASH! Exit the pool and dry yourself off then head up the stairs. Enter the room and note the chunks of ceiling on the floor. Climb up
these pieces then jump the huge hole in the floor to the right and continue through the door. Turn right and follow the passage around to the
door on the left and enter. Kill the assassin guard inside then climb onto the block then up through the ceiling. Turn left and jump across
the huge chasm to the opposite side. Hang from the edge and drop to the ledge below and pull up to the larger ledge.
Head right along the ledge and through the cave into the next area. Drink the healing potion then turn left and
walk out to the next area. Jump across this new chasm to the ledge on the other side. Now start climbing up from ledge to ledge until you
reach the top. Now jump across to the far ledge and go up through the hole into the room. Go around the right side of the raised portion and
either go around or jump over the hole. Continue around and climb up to the raised section.
Walk around to the center of the raised section and spot the opening above. Carefully move to the edge of the spiked area and jump to pull
up to the area above. Now you are in a large cave with an exit along one of the walls. Go through this exit to enter the temple. Now take a
left and climb onto another piece of ceiling and jump over the hole in the floor. Continue down the hall until you reach the large circular
Enter and kill the assassin guard then exit through the only other door in this room. There is a healing potion
here and a long pit to the right. You need to jump to the narrow ledge and shimmy across the pit while a sniper shoots arrows at you from the
opposite side. Pull up and kill him before he can switch to a close-range weapon. Continue past the dead guard into the next area and step
on the floor switch to activate a large tower in the center of this room.
Enter the door on the right side of this large room and continue to another chunk of ceiling. Climb on and jump the hole on the other side and
continue down the hall to a room with three sets of spiked floor traps. Stay to the right and continue past the traps to the next room. In
here is a gate with a potion behind it and a pit bordered on two sides with spikes. Face the pit with your back to the gate and approach the
LEFT ledge. Turn sideways and sidestep between the spikes and the pit then lower yourself down and hang from the edge. Drop and grab onto the
horizontal rope below. You should now be facing a vertical rope so swing and launch to this rope then climb to the top.
Jump off the rope so the assassin is on the other side of the pit. This gives you time to decide whether you want to fight or run. Around the
corner to the left is a healing potion which you can get before or after the battle. When you are ready, climb the
rocks to the right of the pit. Keep going up to the ledge and flip the switch to lower the giant telescope in another room.
Turn and find the hole in the floor behind you and use it to return to the ground floor (back by the pit flanked with the spikes). When you
drop you need to grab again to grip the edge and pull up then sidestep past the spikes. Exit this room through the door on the right then take
a left to enter the room with the telescope. Climb onto the telescope and run up the top and jump to the high ledge beyond the high end. Turn
right and go through the door and continue to the room with the rope hanging in the middle.
This is a very tricky section. An archer on the opposite ledge will be shooting at you as you make your way across this room. Run and jump to
the rope and at the far end of your swing release and either land on or grab the ledge above the ledge with the archer. If you miss this ledge
you will either grip the spiked ledge below or hit the floor and die - either way, you will want to restore and try the jump and swing again.
When you are on the narrow ledge move to either side and do a sideways-jump to either narrow ledge on either side of this one. Grab onto the
ledge and hang, then drop and hang onto the lower ledge (without spikes) and pull up. Get behind the column and wait for the archer to fire then
rush him while he is reloading and kill him with your sword.
Enter the door behind the archer and follow the hall to the left. Enter the room with the pair of ledges. Ignore the lower ledge as it is
trapped with a deadly slicing blade in the wall. Continue to the next room and find the box that you can push back into the previous room and
place under the higher ledge. Use the box as a step to reach this ledge and climb up. Enter the next hall and kill the assassin. Follow the
passage to the switch and flip it to open the roof above the giant lens and flood the area with moonlight.
Return to where you just killed the archer and take either side ledge to reach the floor below. Run up the far stairs being careful not to get
stuck with the spike trap in the center of this room. Up the stairs, turn right and go through the door and return to the room with the three
spike traps in the floor. Go to the end of this room and turn right and down the hall from before. Jump the hole and climb the chunk of
ceiling and you will be back in the large room with the tower that you activated earlier.
Cross this room and go up the curving stairs and flip the switch on the upper ledge to rotate the lens. The moon beam will turn and open a new
set of door. Go down the stairs and into this new passage. It makes a sharp right reversing turn at the end and you are face-to-face with a
big demon. You can kill him now or run past him into the next room - he won't follow. Turn and climb up the ledge on the left and find the
switch that activates the lens in this room. The moonbeam will be redirected and a new passage will open.
Drop down and go through this door and get ready for a deadly trap. A large pit ahead can only be crossed by doing a running jump to the rope
and swinging across. The only problem is that a row of spikes are on this side of the pit. You have to time your run and jump so that you
clear the spikes but still grab onto the rope at the end of your arc. It may take a few tries so save your game. When you do grab onto the
rope you need to make sure to release at the end of your first swing. If you swing back to this side you will get stuck on the spikes. Release
and grab onto the ledge on the opposite side. Climb up at the far left where there are no spikes and continue.
Go through the door into the courtyard and run through the archway where you will find a switch you can flip. Return to the center of the
courtyard and grab the healing potion located to the right. Now head the other direction through the door where a
female assassin is waiting for you. Kill her and continue to the large chasm with a pair of ropes hanging over it. A row of spikes are right
in front of you. Carefully walk forward then jump up to the bar across the door. Swing out to the first rope and then swing to the second rope.
You must release and grab the second rope on your first swing or you will swing back onto the spikes in the door. Once you are on the second
rope you can swing back and forth and increase your arc until you are ready to launch to the dark rope. Climb this rope to the top and jump off.
Deal with the assassin who will try to ambush you as you arrive.
Continue through this room and around the corner where another harder assassin is waiting. Kill him then continue through the archway and get
the healing potion. Turn left and enter the next room. The ledge splits with the left leading to a closed gate.
Go right and hang off the edge and drop and grab the ledge just below. Pull up and flip the switch to open a new door. Go through this new
door and fight the assassin with the double-blades before moving to the moving ledges.
Jump to the first ledge and grab if necessary. Jump to the second ledge and turn left and jump into the doorway in the left wall. Continue
along this path until you reach the ledge that splits in two directions. Go left and flip the switch to raise a new lens tower. Now you need
to return to the very first tower room with the open ceiling. The easiest route is to return to the split in this ledge and take the other
path to the hole in the ceiling. Climb up and follow the path to the gate which will open as you approach. This is the same closed gate from
earlier where the path split.
Drop down to the room below and head through the open door and follow the moonbeam through the hall. This is the same hall with the demon from
earlier. The passage does the reverse turn to the left this time and takes you back to the main room. Head up the curving stairs and flip the
switch again to rotate the lens to its original position. Head through the door that opens after you flip the switch and follow it around to the
next trapped hall.
This hall has two rows of spikes so the only way to cross is to use the horizontal bar above the hall. Jump up and grab the first bar and
swing to each of the bars down the hall until you reach the other side. Launch into the room and land on the floor then turn right and find the
rope that leads up through a hole above. Climb up to this ledge and return to the door next to the switch from earlier. The door is now open
with the moon beam hitting it so turn right and enter.
Follow the passage and stairs leading to the next area. There are four square symbols (two on the floor and two on the wall) and each symbol
has a Roman numeral. You either need to memorize the symbols or make a crude sketch so you can get past the next puzzle. I did this puzzle
three times and the pattern was never the same.
When you reach the next hall there will be a large checkerboard section of floor made up of various symbols. You need to cross this floor by
jumping to each symbol in the proper order (1,2,3,4 or in this case I, II, III, IV). This means you will often have to reverse direction just
to land on a non-lethal square. If you step on the wrong symbol it is GAME OVER, so make sure you save before starting this puzzle. When you
step on the forth symbol in the sequence you will start over with the first symbol (usually the brown square). To get across this room you
will repeat the 4-square pattern three times, so you will be stepping on twelve squares to get across this area.
Head through the double doors on the other side to confront Rugnor one final time...
What treachery is this? Rugnor has tied the Princess to a giant cog on some diabolical machine. She is slowly turning toward another cog
which will certainly crush her and any chance of a future for your marriage. Not to put any pressure on you, but you have about 150 seconds
to defeat Rugnor in the final battle. To make matters worse - you can QuickSave your game but if you restore you will start at the beginning
of the level - even though everything else will be the same.
Run down the catwalk and up the stairs. Jump to the ledge and start the first battle with Rugnor. When he take enough damage he will back off
and drink a potion to heal himself and then teleport to a ledge high above. You must quickly turn to the left and jump to the chain. Climb up
and the camera will pull out for an exciting view of your climb with the helpless Princess in the background. Jump back off the rope to the ledge
and walk out onto the beam and turn left. Jump and grab the first ledge and pull up. Then pull up to the second ledge where Rugnor waits for
the final battle. A Cinematic will cut in somewhere around this point showing the Princess nearing her doom. You have about 1 minute left.
Whip out your sword one final time and defeat Rugnor once and for all. His death will ironically save the Princess and you can sit back and
enjoy the closing movie.
CONGRATULATIONS!! You have saved the Princess and won the game. Thanks for playing and for using Sinjin's Guide to Save the Princess.
Cheats and Codes
To start the game at a specific level do the following:
- Create a copy of the Desktop Icon/Shortcut you use to start the game.
- Modify the Target Properties of this shortcut and append to the C:\Pop3d\POP3D.exe one of these lines:
-L "geometry\rooms\prisonfix"
-L "geometry\rooms\ivorytwr"
-L "geometry\rooms\cistern"
-L "geometry\rooms\palace2"
-L "geometry\rooms\palace3"
-L "geometry\rooms\palace4"
-L "geometry\rooms\roof1"
-L "geometry\rooms\cityanddocks"
-L "geometry\rooms\dirig1a"
-L "geometry\rooms\dirig1b"
-L "geometry\rooms\dirig2"
-L "geometry\rooms\dirigfinale"
-L "geometry\rooms\ruins"
-L "geometry\rooms\cliffs"
-L "geometry\rooms\solar1"
-L "geometry\rooms\moontemple"
-L "geometry\rooms\finale"
Cut and paste these codes (or copy them) exactly as shown and make sure there is a space between the EXE and the -L.
These are more tips and strategies than cheats, but I did find these things out while playing the game:
- You can run past almost all enemies. They will not pursue you past their assigned area.
- Fighting in a doorway seems to give you a big advantage. Don't know why, but it does.
- Get in their face - rush the enemy and stay right up against them while swinging.
- Snipe your enemies with arrows whenever possible. Especially other archers.
- Press the grab button when running over "uncertain terrain", and you will grab on if it crumbles.