Written by Bert Jamin (www.gamesover.com)
August 2001

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Or click at the image of Hannah and Sam at the bottom of this page to go to the next part.

Bosh Tunnels, Part One


When you arrive at your new destination, zoom out and exit the vessel. You can hear Hannah now. The good news is that she's trapped somewhere.

Turn to the right and climb down the stairs. Walk forward until you see a footbridge leading to the left. Cross the footbridge to end up in an elevator. Push the handle in the elevator. If you don't do this, it will take quite some time to finish the game :-)

Exit the elevator and walk the footbridge all the way to the end. By the way, I hope you don't have fear of heights... In the next room just walk straight ahead to the strange lumped door. You can't open this one. But at the left of this one is the same kind of door which you can open.

So turn to the left, go one time forward and turn to the right. Zoom in on the door. Zoom in on the gold colored conduit next to the door. Push the button between the two gold colored conduit. The door now opens. Enter the door.

The correct door

Walk forward and cross the footbridge. Turn to the left and cross the brickwork bridge. Walk into the direction of the next brickwork bridge. Now you'll have a close encounter with a priest. I don't know what he's talking about (and neither will you) but he seems to be upset.

Turn to the left and cross the other brickwork bridge. Walk all the way up across the wooden planks. When you reached the top, turn to the right and walk forward across the mono rail.

You'll see Base 1 in the distance but it seems to be cut off. Turn to the left and walk passed the obelisk shaped pillar. Turn around and zoom in on the pillar. Push the button to call a funny way of transportation. Enter the vehicle and pull handle at the right for another free ride.

The obelisk shaped pillar

When the vehicle stops, walk straight ahead into the darkness. Go forward one more time and you'll be surrounded by eight prayer vases. Notice that each and every vase looks different from one and other.

Also notice that each and every chest the vases are standing on, has different colored plates. When you touch a vase, you'll hear a strange kind of word. And if you touch a colored plate you'll hear another word. Because you don't know what to do with this information, write down each and every word you hear.

Let's start with the vases. I started with the green one, which is to the right of the tunnel you came through. I pushed all other vases at the right of the green one. I made up these words:

vase 1: doss
vase 2: leszz
vase 3: dihmah
vase 4: aahrih
vase 5: anahih
vase 6: drahih
vase 7: reijuh
vase 8: thuldih

Now let's have the colored plates...

green: tundrah
black: thanduh
white: hellhah
yellow: nakrih
purple: rueshsah
red: sahrm
blue: dihmah
orange: llezadjih

By the way, please don't e-mail me about typo's on these ones also...

When you're finished, walk between the vase with the yellow plate and the green plate back into the tunnel. Enter the vehicle and pull the right handle. This will bring you back to the main entrance.

Exit the vehicle. Go forward two times. Walk along the mono rail into the dark tunnel. Now you're standing on a square near the water. Turn to the left and enter the temple.

Walk straight ahead two times. Turn to the left and zoom in on another set of eight prayer vases. Zoom out and turn to the right. Go forward one more time. On the crossing turn to the right and climb up the stairs.

Turn to the left and enter the small room. Walk towards the image of the Chinese priest. Zoom in on the stone tablet at his feet. It's the same kind of image of a bee Hannah has seen before near that pear shaped device.

Zoom out and zoom in on the stone tablet at the left of the priest. In the center of the image you'll see the same kind of sign Hannah has seen on the wooden tablets with the signs for the new coordinates, but which was missing on the plank in the pear shape device. This one look like a roman III. Make a note of this sign.

The roman III

Zoom out, turn around and go forward two times. You're standing on top of the stairs. Turn to the left and climb down the stairs. Turn to the right and go forward once. Turn to the left and you'll see another set of eight prayer vases.

Turn to the right and go forward twice to exit the room. Turn to the left and you'll see spiral stairs. Climb up these stairs until you can't go any further. Turn to the right and step on the second floor.

Turn to the right and walk straight ahead. When you are standing in the corridor, go forward one time. Turn to the right and enter the little dark room. Look around and on the left wall you'll see a mural of a scientist near some kind of spherical device. You'll also see a triangle. Zoom in on the triangle.

The beginning of one of the toughest puzzles...

Notice that the triangle is divided by a line. Also notice the sign at the right of that line. Also notice the same kind of sign at the right of the triangle. Also notice the sign at the base line of the triangle. Zoom out and turn around. You'll see some kind of control panel with five meters and some sort of pipes behind those meters.

You still don't know what to do with this device, so ignore it for now. Note that the painting above the device is the same as the one in and next to the triangle. This can't be a coincidence...

Exit the room and turn to the right. Go forward one time. Turn to the right and you'll see another room. This one has a broken pillar and which is much more important, it also contains another Mission Log. Zoom in on the Mission Log and listen to the three messages of Angela Davies.

In front of the broken pillar you'll find Angela Davies Mission Log on the floor

Zoom out and go back all the way to the main entrance with the obelisk. In case you've forgotten the way back, here it comes. Turn to the right, go forward one time, go down the stairs, go forward twice, turn to the left, climb down the spiral stairs, go forward once, turn to the right, go forward three times, turn to the left, climb up the stairs, turn to the left, go three times forward, turn to the right and go into the dark tunnel. You should be there by now...

In the main entrance, turn to the left and go into the direction of the red pillars. Notice the yellow sign on the wall. That looks familiar! Turn to the right and walk passed the slope pillar. Cross the footbridge at the end of the floor.

Look at and zoom in on the spherical device. Hey, if I'm right this is the same kind of device you just saw on the mural in the small dark room. Zoom in one more time and then look around. Start with looking at the yellow sign on the wall. Then look to your right to discover some kind of pole. When you keep on turning to the right you'll discover five of these poles.

Look down and pull the handle of the device. Take some time to study the different parts of the device. On top you'll see a kind of lens with a red line across the glass. You can pull out this lens by moving your handy cursor over the lens. With this lens you can measure the height of objects. The scale of this instrument has 7 marks.

Zoom in on the lower part of the device. With this part of the device you can measure the length of objects. The scale of this device has 50 marks. By pressing the 0 button you can reset the instrument to... 0. By pressing the + button, the length of an object will be shown.

Notice the sign beneath the scale

Now zoom in on the brown part above this scale. You'll see the length scale. You'll also see the same kind of sign you've seen on the base line of the triangle. This scale has a length of 10, which is also the length of the base line of the triangle.

And the same kind of sign...

We will start with measuring the height of the yellow sign. So aim the device on the yellow sign. Pull up the lens until the red line is exactly above the yellow sign. You'll see the scale indicates 7. Now zoom in on the lower part of the device and push the 0 button and the + button. And.... nothing happens! But you already know that the length of this sign is 10

Measuring the yellow sign

Zoom out and aim the instrument on the first pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 4. Zoom in on the lower part of the device. Push the 0 button and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 45.

Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 5. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 16.

Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 7. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 20.

Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 4. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 25.

Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 6. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 35.

So the outcome of the five poles is:

pole 1: 4 height and 45 length
pole 2: 5 height and 16 length
pole 3: 7 height and 20 length
pole 4: 4 height and 25 length
pole 5: 6 height and 35 length

Every length has to be increased with the length of the yellow sign and has to be divided by 10. So the true height of each pole is:

pole 1:  (4*55)/10 = 22
pole 2:  (5*26)/10 = 13
pole 3:  (7*30)/10 = 21
pole 4:  (4*35)/10 = 14
pole 5:  (6*45)/10 = 27

Are you still with me :-) ??? When you're finished, zoom out. Turn around and go all the way back to the dark room on the second floor with the mural.

In case you've forgotten where this is: go through the dark tunnel at the end of the main entrance. When you are standing on the square near the water, turn to the left and enter the corridor. In the corridor go forward three times until the crossing. Turn to the right and climb the stairs. Go forward and climb down the other stairs. Turn to the right and go forward three times. Turn to the left, go forward one time and climb up the spiral stairs. When you can't go any further, turn to the right and step on the second floor. Turn to the right and enter the corridor. Go forward two times. Look to the right and voila... the dark room!

Enter the dark room. Zoom in on the device. You'll see that all the meters are pointing to the green mark. Number all meters from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 5. Look at the image below for the correct numbers...

The correct order of the meters

Your goal is to get all meters pointing to the correct position and by doing that, the poles behind the meters will raise. The height of these poles must correspond with the height of the poles in the main entrance.

You have to change the meters by dragging them to the correct position. You must do this in the same order as the poles in the main entrance. And you MUST do this by moving your cursor from the right to the left with each and every meter!

And to make it even more difficult, you have to count the lines on the meters in order to get them in the correct position. Are you ready? Here we go...

By the way, save your game before you start fussing around with these meters. A mistake is very easily made!!!

At meter number one, move the scale 22 marks from the right to the left.

At meter number two, move the scale 13 marks from the right to the left.

At meter number three, move the scale 21 marks from the right to the left.

At meter number four, move the scale 14 marks from the right to the left.

At meter number five, move the scale 27 marks from the right to the left.

All meters in the correct position... and got the lens!

When you've done this correct, a drawer beneath the device will open, revealing an optical lens. If the drawer won't open you did something wrong with these meters and you have to start over this part. When you've got the lens, zoom out. Turn around and exit the dark room.

Turn to the left and go forward two times. Climb down the spiral stairs. Go one time forward and then turn to the left. After one more step forward you'll see another set of prayer vases and after the next step forward another set. That makes 32 vases in total. That sounds promising...

You can't go any further now. Turn to the right and you'll see a golden statue and a wooden footbridge leading over the water. Save your game and switch over to Hannah.

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Bosh Tunnels, Part Two

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