Written by Bert Jamin (www.gamesover.com)
August 2001

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Bosh Tunnels, Part Two


Walk forward two times. Turn to the left and you'll see a highlighted image. Zoom in on the image. One thing is for sure... this image isn't completed yet! Zoom out.

The unfinished image

Turn around and you'll see a statue with a ladder next to it. Walk to the statue and climb up the ladder. Turn to the left and zoom in on the statue. You'll see and empty sight. And you have nothing that fits into the sight.

Zoom out, look down and climb down the ladder. Turn to the left and walk towards the entrance one time. Turn to the right. Walk straight ahead all the way to the end of the passage. 

Important: at this point the game can go different. Sometimes Hannah gets another close encounter with a native girl over here. This girl gives a metal plate to Hannah. In other games Hannah doesn't have this close encounter with the native girl at all. In that case, Sam will have that close encounter with her and receives the metal plate.

When you can't go any further, turn to the right. Walk all the way to the end again. When your way is blocked by a closed tunnel, turn around. You'll have another close encounter. But this time with two different characters. When they're finished, walk straight ahead two times.

Climb up the ladder. Turn to the left and walk forward one time. Turn to the right and you'll see some kind of organ. Zoom in but don't touch anything yet. You don't know what to do with this thing yet. Right? Okay... zoom out and save your game. Switch over to Sam.

Leave it alone for now

IMPORTANT: my game has a little bug at this part. Instead of loading Sam's last saved game, the game took me back to the very beginning of Sam's adventure. If this happens to you too, load the last saved game of Sam yourself. This also happened a few time further in the game. So save your game often...


Walk across the footbridge leading over the water. Save your game. After two steps you'll have a not so very close encounter with a priest. You hardly can't hear what he's saying. But after playing this part over and over and over again I made the next sentence out of his wise words:

doss thanduh thuldih hellah drahin tundrah

After these words the priest will disappear through some kind of secret passage... By the way I don't know if these words differ from game to game. In my game I always got these words.

These words of course remind you of the sounds the prayer vases were making. Turn to the right and walk to the end of the footbridge. Turn to the right and go forward one time. Turn to the left and zoom in on the prayer vases.

Number them from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 8. As you know, you can switch the plates at the bottom of the vases. Switch the plate of vase number 6 to black (thanduh). As you do so, you'll see the plate of vase number 3 will be changed into white (hellah). The plate of vase number 8 will be changed to green (tundrah). Now push the vases in the order 6, 3 and 8.

Look at the colors of the shields...

You'll hear the sentence be repeated. You'll also see the secret passage of the statue be opened. This is the same secret passage the priest entered.

Zoom out and turn to the left. Walk forward and go through the dark tunnel. Go forward one time. Turn to the left and go forward, down the secret passage.

Now you'll be taken all the way to the organ where you left Hannah. You are standing next to each other. But you can't see or touch each other...

After the conversation, turn to the left and walk into the direction of the statue and the highlighted image. After two steps you'll have another close encounter with one of the female inhabitants. She'll give you a metal plate. Turn to the left and walk to the statue.

When you are facing the statue, switch over to Hannah. Walk all the way to the statue as well. When you arrived at the statue, switch over to Sam again.

Look at the statue and climb up the ladder. Zoom in on the statue. Place your lens into the sight. Zoom out and climb down the ladder. Turn around and zoom in on the highlighted image. Now it's finished. Make a note of these coordinates.

The finished image with coordinates

Great... you think, coordinates! Well it's not that simple! You're now facing a difficult task. These are old coordinates!!! You have to make a set of new coordinates out of these old ones now. In chapter number one, you found old and new coordinates on the two wooden tablets. The first ones were:

The old coordinates with the red cross:
3     6     2
6     8     7 

and the new ones:
3     4     7
6     9    11

The second ones you found on the second tablet. Those were:

The old coordinates with the red cross:
7    10    5
9     1     5 

and the new ones:
7     8    10
9     2     9

Now you have to calculate the new coordinates. I must admit, this took me a whole lot of time to figure it all out. I'll explain this by giving you my calculation. Here you go...

Compare the old coordinates with the new ones on both wooden tablets you found in chapter one. This makes:

3     4     7
3     6     2 -/-

As I explained in chapter one, you can compare the big wheels for the coordinates with a clock. The only difference is that this clock has 12 minutes and 12 seconds. So this sum can be translated to:

3     4     7
3     5    14 -/-
     -1    -7

The next sum is:

7      8    10
7     10     5 -/-

This sum has to be translated to:

7     8     10
7     9     17 -/-
     -1      -7

So comparing the first coordinates on both wooden tablets result in the same outcome. Of course this can't be a coincidence. So to find the new coordinates for the left wheel you have to subtract the old coordinates with 1 minute and 7 seconds. The same goes for the wheel at the right. Here's my calculation:

6     9     11
6     8      7  -/-
       1      4

9     2     9
9     1      5  -/-
       1      4

So to find the new coordinates for the wheel at the right you have to add 1 minute and 4 seconds of the old coordinates of the image above.

The first row of old coordinates on the image above are translated into the numbers 10, 1 and 9.  So the new coordinates for the wheel at the left must be:

10     1     9
         1     7 -/-
10     0    2

As we all know, a clock has no zero position. So to make it hard on you (and me) this zero has to be translated into 12. So the new coordinates for the wheel at the left is:

10     12     2

To find the new coordinates for the wheel at the right you have to add 1 minute and 4 seconds to the old coordinates.

The second row of old coordinates on the image above are translated into the numbers 3, 12 and 10. So the new coordinates for the wheel at the right must be:

3     12     10
         1      4 +/+
3     13     14

To make it even more hard on you (and me) you know by now that this clock only has 12 minutes and 12 seconds. So what to do with these 13 minutes and 14 seconds!?!? Well, you have to adjust this sum as follows. You have to translate 14 seconds into 1 minute and 2 seconds. While doing this, the 13 minutes will change into 14 minutes. So these 14 minutes have to be translated into 2 minutes and 1 hour. Because you know by now that the hour always stays the same, the outcome of the new coordinates for the wheel at the right is:

3     2    2

Are you still with me!?!? Just for the record and for your comfort... this one caused a severe headache to me! Zoom out.

Turn to the left and walk towards the tunnel. Enter the tunnel. Zoom in on the hanging chair and use it to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and walk down the path. Enter the elevator, turn to the left and push the up button.

Turn to the left and exit the elevator. Walk towards the two big wheels and zoom in on the hand sign. Push the upper green highlighted button at the rim. Push the hand sign. Now the island is heading back to the place Hannah came from.

When the island has docked, zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up the path.

Turn to the left and zoom in on the hanging chair. Use it to cross the ocean. Walk forward to go across the tentacles in the rocks. Go forward to climb down the path. Go forward and turn to the left. Push the button to call the gondola.

After your free ride, go forward. Turn to the right and go forward two times. Climb up the path. Now the door of one of the houses opens. A men appears. The most important thing is that he offers you a pearl in exchange of one unit of oil. He also tells you that when you've got the oil, you have to take it to the temple.

Turn to the right and walk towards the pear shaped device. Now what the hack could be one unit of oil!?!? Remember the stone tablet on the wall in the temple. There was a sign on that tablet which looked like a roman III... Zoom in on the pear shaped device. Push on that sign, it's the ninth sign from top.

The ring at the ninth sign

Zoom in on the little shelf at the right of the device. Pick up the blue bottle. Zoom out. Now you have to go back all the way where you left Hannah. So turn to the left and go forward. Climb down the path. Go forward two times. Turn to the left and head for the device. Push the button to call the gondola.

Turn to the right and walk towards the path leading up. Climb up the path. Cross the tentacles in the rocks and use the chair to cross the ocean.

Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk towards the big wheels. Zoom in on the hand sign. Zoom in and push the second green highlighted button from top. Push the hand sign to sail back with the entire island.

When docked, zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up the path. Turn to the left and use the hanging chair to cross the ocean.

Cross the footbridge. Back in the temple go forward one time. Turn to the left and walk straight ahead until you can't go any further. Turn to the right. Go forward until you enter the tunnel. Turn to the right and go forward through the dark tunnel.

Turn to the right and cross the footbridge leading over the water. When you're facing the prayer vases, turn to the left. Walk forward five times. Turn to the left and climb up the stairs.

Turn to the right and enter the room with the painting. You'll have a very brief and even more disappointing encounter with the priest. He's sticking up one finger (no, not that one) and disappears... Now what??? I guess it's obvious that he wanted to make clear that you don't have the required one unit of oil.

So... no pearl this time. But which is much more worse, you have to go all the way back to that pear shaped device. And not only that, this time you have to bring Hannah along too!

Exit the room and turn to the left. Climb down the stairs and turn to the right. Go forward five times. Turn to the right and cross the footbridge. At the end turn to the left and enter the dark tunnel. Go forward one time and turn to the left. Enter the secret passage. Go forward three times and turn to the left. Go forward three times. Turn to the right and go through the tunnel.

When you are facing the hanging chair, switch over to Hannah.


Turn around and walk forward towards the tunnel. Go through the tunnel. Although you are both standing near that chair, you still can't see each other. Use the chair to cross the ocean. Now Hannah says: "So now the chair is working again"!?!? Switch over to Sam.


Also use the chair to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk towards the big wheels.

To go to the next chapter of this walkthrough, click on the image below...

...to go to

Bosh Tunnels, Part Three

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