Gift Exchange and Making Friends

In addition to your regular inventory you will find and purchase Gift Items that you can use when interacting with various sub-characters in the game. Depending on what item you give to which character can increase or decrease your "friendship" with that person, as well as get you some interesting items in exchange. Most of your item trading goes on in Imasho Town, although there will be chances to give items to other characters outside of town. You can exchange gifts whenever the Gift Exchange icon is displayed.

You can only trade with the four sub-characters, and each person has a their own set of items they are interested in. Depending on the gift you will see one of seven possible reactions, each with their own modifying value toward that character's level of friendship.

Value Friendship Sub-Character Reaction
A +50 Receives highly desired item
B +30 Receives a good item
C +10 Receives an average item
D -10 Angrily takes unwanted item
E -30 Gently rejects an item
F -50 Firmly rejects an item
G -70 Attempting to give back an item received from that character

One interesting twist to this exchange program is when you give an undesirable item to a character who then gives you an item they dislike in return. This is a great way - and sometimes the only way - to get some of the rarer items in the game. Of course, getting these items will cost you some friendship points, so be prepared to reconcile after an intentional bad trade.

Also important to the the trading system is the special equipment designed for use by certain sub-characters. It is possible for you to purchase this equipment in Imasho Town, but if you give it to the wrong character you can severely damage your friendship with the intended owner. Conversely, if you give that item to the proper person your bond will increase and you will be rewarded with the first and second level Technique Manuals that allow Jubei to increase the power of his attacks.

As your friendship with each of the sub-characters increases, these characters will appear more frequently, giving you valuable story information, helping you in battles, and even taking part in certain Side Quests. While these Side Quests can be played with Jubei, they are designed for certain sub-characters, and when played with those characters you will receive added bonuses and unlock more of the game.

The level of assistance each sub-character provides is based on their level of friendship. With the exception of Oyu, all of the sub-characters will be indifferent to your presence at the beginning of the game. The more favorable trades you make with each character, the better your relationship becomes. To make matters worse, each of the sub-characters has their own additional level of friendship with each other independent of your bond.

For example, Ekei and Magoichi are rivals, so when you make friends with one you lose points with the other. You can be friends with everybody at one time or another; just not everyone at the same time. Learning when to make new friends and abandon old ones is just another interesting aspect to this game.

You can tell your level of friendship by watching for visual clues when you begin a gift exchange. Indifferent characters will keep their back turned to you at the start of a transaction. After you have given them several good items they will start to face you during these encounters indicating a certain level of respect. At this level the character may assist you in battle and appear in some of the cutscenes. Once you have given them enough good items to boost them to a friendly status you will see a unique gesture for each character to indicate they are your ally. At this point they become playable characters in certain Side Quests.

Here are the friendly gestures for each sub-character:

  • Oyu smiles at you
  • Kotaro drops from his hanging position
  • Ekei waves to you
  • Magoichi salutes with his gun
I highly recommend that you keep a scoring sheet for each sub-character and add/subtract the value of the Friendship points for each gift you exchange. This way you will know exactly where you stand with each character at any given point in the game.

There are also several RARE TRADES that occur randomly throughout the Gift Exchange process. These are explained further in the Unique Items section of the guide. Make sure to learn about these early so you don't get "stuck" later in the game.

The following chart is an alphabetized listing of all 125 Gift Items in Onimusha 2, any special notes, and where they are found.

Gift Item Additional Information Where You Find It
Abacus None Yagyu Village - Mansion closet
Ancient Coin None Oyu
Ancient Documents None Imasho Town Stables - first peasant
Ashura Garment Armor for Ekei Kotaro
Beetle press X repeatedly when you see the beetle crawling up the tree Imasho Town Mountain Path
Black Beer None Imasho Town Bar (after Gifu) - 100gp
Black Pill None Third shop list
Blue Parrot sold out in other lists First shop list
Bouquet None Imasho Town Stables - walking man (after Gold Mines)
Bread None Oyu
Broken Bell None Imasho Town Stables - female thief
Brown Chick Turns into Brown Chicken comes from brown egg
Brown Chicken Lays a Golden Egg comes from brown chick
Brown Egg Turns into Brown Chick Laid by Chicken
Calligraphy Kit None Third shop list
Cameo None Magoichi
Chalk None Item Shop - Devoted Son (after Gold Mines)
Chick become Chicken comes from egg
Chicken eventually lays a Brown Egg comes from chick
Chinese Fiddle None Oyu
Cloth None Imasho Town Blacksmith - Item box
Collected History Book None Combine 10 individual volumes
Comb None Imasho Town Marketplace - third merchant
Compass None First shop list
Conch None First shop list
Confetti None Imasho Town Main Street - first peasant
Copper Coin None Magoichi
Crown None Oyu
Crystal Ball None Castle Gifu Commons - Item box, bottom of ramp
Dead Flowers flowers die over time originally Bouquet
Deer Antler None Ekei
Dice None Gold Mine Entrance - search miner
Dumpling Cake None Kotaro
Egg Turns into Chick First shop list
Emblem None Magoichi
European Hat None Magoichi
Fairy Tale Book None Second shop list
Fancy Paper None Ekei (exchange for Calligraphy Kit)
Fish Rice None Kotaro
Folding Fan None Imasho Town Bar - upstairs item box
Fork None Yagyu Village - Mansion food storage
Frog None Tagyu Village - Dragon God Pond
Fudo Leg Guard Armor for Ekei Second shop list
Fur Skin None Imasho Town Bar - Upstairs, first miner (after meeting Kotaro)
Gabishi Weapon for Kotaro Third shop list
Glass None Imasho Town Stables - man next to Iron Horse
Globe None Imasho Town Marketplace - Item box
Golden Chick Turns into Golden Chicken comes from golden egg
Golden Chicken None comes from golden chick
Golden Egg Turns into Golden Chick Laid by Brown Chick
Goraishinki Weapon for Magoichi Third shop list
Gourd None Gifu East Area - Gold of East Shrine
Green Parrot None Third shop list
Grilled Fish None First shop list
Hair Oil None Kotaro
Hair Ornament None Second shop list
Hard Boots Armor for Oyu Magoichi
Hien Kyahan Armor for Kotaro Ekei
History Book #1 None Castle Gifu - First floor stairs
History Book #2 None Imasho Town Stables - woman in yellow
History Book #3 None Oyu
History Book #4 None Gold Mine Entrance - item box
History Book #5 None First shop list
History Book #6 None Ekei
History Book #7 None Kotaro
History Book #8 None Third shop list
History Book #9 None Imasho Town Bar - upstairs, sleeping man, (after meeting Kotaro)
History Book #10 None Second shop list
Houtengeki Weapon for Ekei Third shop list
Incense None Castle Gifu Entry Hall - first floor
Kaleidoscope None Imasho Town - Item box
Keimyo Hachimaki Armor for Kotaro Second shop list
Koban (coin) None Gold Mine Entry - dog
Lemon None Second shop list
Loaded Dice None Gold Mine Entrance - search miner (after Gifu)
Love Potion None Second shop list
Melon None Kotaro
Mirror None Gold Mines - Treasure Cave
Music Box None Ekei
Naughty Novel None Third shop list
Oolong Tea None Yagyu Village Tearoom - Item box
Pair Ring None Third shop list
Pandora's Box None Third shop list
Persian Carpet None Ekei
Phirangi Weapon for Oyu Third shop list
Pick None Imasho Town Bar - upstairs, second miner (after Gold Mines)
Pickled Plum None Magoichi
Pickled Vegetables None Kotaro
Pipe None Imasho Town - Item box near magic mirror
Pirates Costume Armor for Magoichi Oyu
Plant Book None Second shop list
Playing Cards None Oyu
Pocket Watch None Third shop list
Potassium Nitrate None Gold Mines - consult special map
Raw Fish turns into Rotten Fish Kotaro
Recorder None Oyu
Red Parrot sold out in other lists Second shop list
River Fish None Fog Valley Mountain Stream
Rotten Fish changes over time originally Raw Fish
Rouge None Magoichi
Sake from Kagu None Oyu
Salt None First shop list
Scarf None Ekei
Silver Armor Armor for Oyu Second shop list
Silver Coins None Kotaro
Sponge Cake None Magoichi
Stamina Drink None Oni Sacred Place - Torture Room
Strategy Book None Kotaro
Taiheiki A Tale of Great Peace Oyu
Taizo Mandala None Imasho Town Marketplace - drunk monk
Tale of the Heike None Ekei
Tea None Kotaro
Telescope None Imasho Town Mountain Path - Item box
Tengu Mask None Imasho Town Stables - Item box
Textile Fabrics None Ekei
The Analects None Ekei
Tube for Pigeon Leg None Fog Valley Mountain Stream
Unique Mushroom value randomly changes with each use Imasho Town Mountain Path, Oni Sacred Place Torture Room, dropped by demons
Vodka None First shop list
Wasabi None Yagyu Village Mansion backyard
Watermelon None Ekei
Western Boots Armor for Magoichi Second shop list
Wind Bell None Magoichi
Wine None Magoichi
Wonder Flower Negates previous change in friendship from last gift exchange First shop list, dropped by demons

Now that you know where everything is the following charts tell you what happens when you give each item to each sub-characters. I've also included the starting inventory for each character. Remember, you can attempt to give any item to any sub-character, but the end results will be based on a variety of factors including your current relationship with that character. Also, some gift items have better results when combined with other items before presenting them or when presented at a specific time or place. These are noted below.

To jump to any sub-character's listing just click their name: Oyu - Kotaro - Magoichi - Ekei

OYU'S INVENTORY (Listed in order of trade value)

Item Value
Power Jewel A
Magic Jewel A
Sake from Kaga A
Medicine A
Medicine A
Normal Bullets x5 (unlimited) A
Crown B
Taiheiki B
Herb B
Herb B
Herb B
Fire Arrows x5 (unlimited B
Recorder C
Chinese Fiddle C
Playing Cards C
History Book #3 C
Normal Arrows x5 (Unlimited) C
Bread D
Ancient Coin D
Artwork #1 D
Artwork #2 D
Fortune Cookie (unlimited) D

GIFT ITEMS OFFERED TO OYU (Listed Alphabetically)

Gift Item Value Character Reaction
Abacus C
Ancient Coin G
Ancient Documents D
Ashura Garment F
Beetle B
Black Beer C
Black Pill B
Blue Parrot D Outside Imaso Town/A (+100)
Bouquet A
Bread G
Broken Bell E At 500 alliance points gets reaction C
Brown Chick F
Brown Chicken D Outside Imaso Town/D with Special Dialog
Brown Egg B
Calligraphy Kit F
Cameo A
Chalk C
Chick B
Chicken F
Chinese Fiddle G
Cloth C
Collected History Book E At 600 alliance points gets reaction C
Comb A Trade this item first to get Super M. Liquid
Compass F At 600 alliance points gets reaction D
Conch F
Confetti B
Copper Coin C
Crown G
Crystal Ball A
Dead Flowers D
Deer Antler B
Dice C
Dumpling Cake D Outside Imaso Town/A (+100)
Egg C
Emblem E At 600 alliance points gets reaction D
European Hat F At 600 alliance points gets reaction D
Fairy Tale Book D
Fancy Paper B
Fish Rice A
Folding Fan C
Fork A
Frog B
Fudo Leg Guard E
Fur Skin A
Gabishi E
Glass A Combine with Wine (+100)
Globe E
Golden Chick A (+150)
Golden Chicken A (+250)
Golden Egg A (+100)
Goraishinki F
Gourd C
Green Parrot D
Grilled Fish D
Hair Oil B Combine with Comb/A ( +100)
Hair Ornament A
Hard Boots A (+80) Always gives Secret Medicine
Hien Kyahan E
History Book #1 E
History Book #2 B
History Book #3 G
History Book #4 F
History Book #5 C
History Book #6 D
History Book #7 D
History Book #8 D
History Book #9 E
History Book #10 D
Houtengeki F
Incense B
Kaleidoscope B
Keimyo Hachimaki F
Koban (coin) F
Lemon C Combine with Tea/A
Loaded Dice E
Love Potion A
Melon B
Mirror A Combine with Comb ( +100)
Music Box A
Naughty Novel F (G) At 800 alliance points gets reaction A (+100)
Oolong Tea B
Pair Ring A (+200)
Pandora's Box D
Persian Carpet B
Phirangi A (+100) Always gives Tech. Manual
Pick F
Pickled Plum B
Pickled Vegetables C
Pipe F
Pirates Costume G
Plant Book B
Playing Cards G
Pocket Watch B
Potassium Nitrate F At 700 alliance points gets reaction C
Raw Fish D
Recorder G
Red Parrot A At Gifu East Area Waterall/D
River Fish C
Rotten Fish D
Rouge A Always gives Pirate Costume
Sake from Kagu G
Salt C
Scarf A
Silver Armor A (+80) Always gives Tech. Manual
Silver Coins A
Sponge Cake C Combine with Sponge Cake/A ( +100)
Stamina Drink F Combine with Love Potion A (+100) / Combine with Naughty Novel for G and Special Dialog
Strategy Book D
Taiheiki G
Taizo Mandala E
Tale of the Heike D
Tea A Combine with Sponge Cake for Special Dialog
Telescope C
Tengu Mask F Combine with Love Potion A (+100) / Combine with Naughty Novel A (+100)
Textile Fabrics A
The Analects D
Tube for Pigeon Leg E At 500 alliance points gets reaction C
Unique Mushroom ? Random Result
Vodka D
Wasabi B
Watermelon E At 600 alliance points gets reaction D
Western Boots E
Wind Bell A
Wine B
Wonder Flower C

KOTARO'S INVENTORY (Listed in order of trade value)

Item Value
Power Jewel A
Magic Jewel A
Strategy Book A
Medicine A
Medicine A
Normal Bullets x5 (unlimited) A
Fossilized Bone B
Dumpling Cake B
Hair Oil B
Herb B
Herb B
Fire Arrows x5 (unlimited) B
Tea C
Raw Fish C
Rish Rice C
Silver Coin C
Normal Arrows x5 (unlimited) C
Pickled Vegetables D
History Book #7 D
Artwork #3 D
Artwork #4 D
Fortune Cooke (unlimited) D

GIFT ITEMS OFFERED TO KOTARO (Listed Alphabetically)

Gift Item Value Character Reaction
Abacus F Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Ancient Coin F Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Ancient Documents E Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Ashura Garment G
Beetle D
Black Beer D
Black Pill B
Blue Parrot D
Bouquet D
Bread D Outside Imasho Town/B, Demon Cave/B
Broken Bell F At 100 alliance points gets reaction C
Brown Chick B
Brown Chicken F Outside Imasho Town/D
Brown Egg B
Calligraphy Kit C Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Cameo A
Chalk D
Chick A
Chicken B
Chinese Fiddle F
Cloth B
Collected History Book D
Comb F
Compass A Combine with Globe/A (+100)
Conch D
Confetti B
Copper Coin F At 100 alliance points gets reaction C
Crown B Imasho Town after Gold Mine/A
Crystal Ball B
Dead Flowers E
Deer Antler C
Dice B
Dumpling Cake G Outside Imasho Town/B, Demon Cave/C
Egg D
Emblem A Always gives Melon
European Hat A
Fairy Tale Book A
Fancy Paper B
Fish Rice G
Folding Fan B Combine with Wind Chime/A (+100)
Fork C
Frog D
Fudo Leg Guard F
Fur Skin D
Gabishi A (+100) Chance of Tech. Manual
Glass D
Globe A Unique reaction if first gift offered
Golden Chick A Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Golden Chicken A Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Golden Egg A Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Goraishinki E
Gourd C
Green Parrot A Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Grilled Fish D Outside Imasho Town/B, Demon Cave/B
Hair Oil G
Hair Ornament F
Hard Boots E
Hien Kyahan A (+80) Always gives Super M. Liquid
History Book #1 D
History Book #2 D
History Book #3 F
History Book #4 F
History Book #5 D
History Book #6 C
History Book #7 G
History Book #8 A
History Book #9 C
History Book #10 E
Houtengeki E
Incense A
Kaleidoscope A
Keimyo Hachimaki A (+80) Chance of Tech. Manual
Koban (coin) C
Lemon B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Loaded Dice D
Love Potion E At 800 alliance points gets reaction C
Melon G
Mirror B
Music Box A Always gives Mashura Garment
Naughty Novel F At 500 alliance points gets reaction A (+100)
Oolong Tea B
Pair Ring A (+200)
Pandora's Box A
Persian Carpet B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Phirangi E
Pick F
Pickled Plum D Imasho Town after Gifu/A
Pickled Vegetables G
Pipe F
Pirates Costume E
Plant Book D
Playing Cards A
Pocket Watch A Outside Imasho Town/G
Potassium Nitrate F At bonded level (600pts.)/C
Raw Fish G
Recorder A
Red Parrot D Imasho Town after Gold Mine/A (+100)
River Fish F
Rotten Fish C Always gives a fresh Raw Fish
Rouge F
Sake from Kagu D
Salt C Combine with Grilled Fish/A (+100)
Scarf C
Silver Armor F
Silver Coins G
Sponge Cake B
Stamina Drink E
Strategy Book G
Taiheiki C Combine with History Book #8/A (+100)
Taizo Mandala D
Tale of the Heike D
Tea G
Telescope A Outside Imasho Town/F
Tengu Mask F Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Textile Fabrics D
The Analects E At 600 alliance points gets reaction C
Tube for Pigeon Leg A
Unique Mushroom ? Random Results
Vodka D
Wasabi D
Watermelon C Combine with Beetle /A(+100)
Western Boots E
Wind Bell F Imasho Town after Gifu/A
Wine D
Wonder Flower C

MAGOICHI'S INVENTORY (Listed in order of trade value)

Item Value
Power Jewel A
Magic Jewel A
Rouge A
Medicine A
Medicine A
Normal Bullets x5 (unlimited) A
Fossilized Bone B
Sponge Cake B
European Hat B
Herb B
Herb B
Fire Arrows x5 (unlimited) B
Wine C
Cameo C
Wind Bell C
Normal Arrows x5 (unlimited) C
Pickled Plum D
Silver Coin D
Artwork #5 D
Artwork #6 D
Fortune Cookie (unlimited) D


Gift Item Value Character Reaction
Abacus B
Ancient Coin A
Ancient Documents A Unique dialog if first gift offered - gets Super M. Liquid
Ashura Garment F
Beetle D
Black Beer A
Black Pill D
Blue Parrot A
Bouquet F At 700 alliance points gets reaction A
Bread D
Broken Bell F
Brown Chick D
Brown Chicken B
Brown Egg A
Calligraphy Kit B
Cameo G
Chalk D
Chick B
Chicken B
Chinese Fiddle B
Cloth C
Collected History Book A (+300)
Comb D
Compass D Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Conch A
Confetti E At 600 alliance points gets reaction B
Copper Coin G
Crown B
Crystal Ball F
Dead Flowers F
Deer Antler A
Dice A
Dumpling Cake E
Egg B
Emblem G
European Hat G
Fairy Tale Book E
Fancy Paper A
Fish Rice F
Folding Fan D
Fork B Combine with Melon/A (+100)
Frog B
Fudo Leg Guard E
Fur Skin D
Gabishi F
Glass D
Globe D Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Golden Chick A (+150)
Golden Chicken A (+200)
Golden Egg B
Goraishinki A (+100) Chance of Tech. Manual
Gourd F At 500 alliance points gets reaction B
Green Parrot A Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Grilled Fish B
Hair Oil B
Hair Ornament D
Hard Boots G
Hien Kyahan E
History Book #1 C
History Book #2 C
History Book #3 C
History Book #4 C
History Book #5 C
History Book #6 C
History Book #7 C Get Scapegoat Tag
History Book #8 C
History Book #9 C
History Book #10 C
Houtengeki F
Incense D Imasho Town after Gifu/A
Kaleidoscope C
Keimyo Hachimaki E
Koban (coin) F Oni Sacred Place Underground Colliseum/C
Lemon D Combine with Grilled Fish/A (+100)
Loaded Dice F
Love Potion F At 700 alliance points gets reaction C
Melon A
Mirror B
Music Box A
Naughty Novel B At 800 alliance points gets reaction A (+100)
Oolong Tea B
Pair Ring A (+200)
Pandora's Box D
Persian Carpet F At 600 alliance points gets reaction A
Phirangi E
Pick F
Pickled Plum G
Pickled Vegetables A
Pipe A
Pirates Costume A (+80) Always give Secret Medicine
Plant Book B Imasho Town after Gifu/D
Playing Cards C
Pocket Watch A
Potassium Nitrate B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A (Always gives Burst Bullets x5)
Raw Fish B
Recorder B
Red Parrot D
River Fish C
Rotten Fish B
Rouge G
Sake from Kagu A
Salt C Combine with Melon/A (+100)
Scarf E
Silver Armor F
Silver Coins C
Sponge Cake G
Stamina Drink C At 800 alliance points gets reaction A
Strategy Book A Always gives Hard Boots
Taiheiki A
Taizo Mandala D
Tale of the Heike A Always gives Emblem
Tea C
Telescope B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Tengu Mask D
Textile Fabrics E At 600 alliance points gets reaction A
The Analects B
Tube for Pigeon Leg F
Unique Mushroom ? Random Result
Vodka B
Wasabi D Combine with Raw Fish/A (+100)
Watermelon E
Western Boots A (+80) Chance of Tech. Manual
Wind Bell G
Wine G
Wonder Flower C

EKEI'S INVENTORY (Listed in order of trade value)

Power Jewel A
Magic Jewel A
Music Box A
Medicine A
Medicine A
Normal Bullets x5 (unlimited) A
Fossilized Bone B
The Analects B
Scarf B
Herb B
Herb B
Fire Arrows x5 (unlimited) B
Persian Carpet C
Watermelon C
Deer Antler C
Normal Arrows x5 (unlimited) C
Textile Fabrics D
History Book #6 D
Artwork #7 D
Artwork #8 D
Artwork #9 D
Fortune Cookie (unlimited) D

GIFT ITEMS OFFERED TO EKEI (Listed Alphabetically)

Gift Item Value Character Reaction
Abacus C
Ancient Coin F At 500 alliance points gets reaction C
Ancient Documents D
Ashura Garment A (+80) Always gives Super M. Liquid
Beetle E
Black Beer D
Black Pill F
Blue Parrot A
Bouquet C
Bread C
Broken Bell A (+100)
Brown Chick F
Brown Chicken F
Brown Egg D
Calligraphy Kit A Always gives Fancy Paper
Cameo D
Chalk D
Chick E Imasho Town after Gifu/C
Chicken E At 600 alliance points gets reaction A
Chinese Fiddle C Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Cloth E
Collected History Book C
Comb F
Compass C
Conch C
Confetti C Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Copper Coin C
Crown A
Crystal Ball A
Dead Flowers C
Deer Antler G
Dice D Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Dumpling Cake B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Egg F At 700 alliance points gets reaction C
Emblem C
European Hat D
Fairy Tale Book D
Fancy Paper G
Fish Rice D
Folding Fan A Offer at Gold Mines (+100)
Fork D
Frog B
Fudo Leg Guard A (+80) Chance of Tech. Manual
Fur Skin A
Gabishi F
Glass C
Globe C Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Golden Chick A (+150)
Golden Chicken A (+200)
Golden Egg A (+100)
Goraishinki F
Gourd B Combine with Sake from Kaga/A (+100)
Green Parrot D Imasho Town after Gifu prompts unique dialog
Grilled Fish A
Hair Oil F
Hair Ornament F
Hard Boots F At 500 alliance points gets reaction B
Hien Kyahan G
History Book #1 C
History Book #10 D
History Book #2 A
History Book #3 B
History Book #4 C
History Book #5 C
History Book #6 G
History Book #7 D
History Book #8 F
History Book #9 F
Houtengeki A (+100) Chance of Tech. Manual
Incense C
Kaleidoscope F Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Keimyo Hachimaki F
Koban (coin) A
Lemon D
Loaded Dice A
Love Potion A
Melon A
Mirror D
Music Box G
Naughty Novel A (+1000) Always gives Hien Kyahan
Oolong Tea B Combine with Dumpling Cake/A (+100)
Pair Ring F At 700 alliance points gets reaction A (+200)
Pandora's Box D
Persian Carpet G
Phirangi E
Pick C Offer at Gold Mines/A (+100)
Pickled Plum A
Pickled Vegetables B
Pipe D
Pirates Costume E
Plant Book F
Playing Cards D Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Pocket Watch B
Potassium Nitrate F At 600 alliance points gets reaction C
Raw Fish A
Recorder D Imasho Town after Gifu/B
Red Parrot D Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A (+100)
River Fish C
Rotten Fish C
Rouge D
Sake from Kagu A Outside Imasho Town/C
Salt C
Scarf G
Silver Armor F
Silver Coins B
Sponge Cake B Imasho Town after Gold Mines/A
Stamina Drink A Offer at Oni Sacred Place lift Device Room for Tech Manual (+100)
Strategy Book C
Taiheiki F At 700 alliance points gets reaction B
Taizo Mandala A
Tale of the Heike G
Tea C
Telescope A
Tengu Mask A Offered outside Imasho Town/E
Textile Fabrics G
The Analects G
Tube for Pigeon Leg D Always gives Tale of Heike
Unique Mushroom ? Random Results
Vodka A Unique dialog if first gift offered - gets Secret Medicine
Wasabi B
Watermelon G
Western Boots F
Wind Bell C
Wine A Combine with Vodka/A (+100)
Wonder Flower C

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