Unique Inventory Items

What follows is a listing of special inventory items you will find throughout Onimusha 2. This list is arranged alphabetically rather than the order in which you find them. Click the item name to instantly go to the section of the guide where you find each of these valuable objects.

Inventory Item Where You Find It Where You Use It
Blue Stone Pole Kotaro's side quest - 5th level of Blue Phantom Realm Used with Red Stone Pole to remove totem located in the pond area of Fog Valley
Blue Wedge Kotaro's side quest - 5th level of Red Phantom Realm Opens entrance to Blue Phantom Realm in north end of Fog Valley
Bronze Mask (left) Castle Gifu - offer Purify Charm to trapped spirit in well room on first floor Combine with other half to open gate to Phantom Realm on first floor of Castle Gifu
Bronze Mask (right) Castle Gifu - solve line total puzzle in storage room on first floor Combine with other half to open gate to Phantom Realm on first floor of Castle Gifu
Charity Orb North end of Yagyu Village - during vision of Takajo Opens stone door at NE end of Gold Mines
Cherry Key Castle Gifu - East Area - inside red item box near SW exit Castle Gifu - unlocks royal bedroom on first floor
Circle Key Oni Sacred Place Water Room - destroy yellow Mozun seal and defeat Gerohone Oni Sacred Place - Open the green idol shrine on upper level of the parcel transport room
Cresent Key Castle Gifu - Royal Bedroom located on first floor Gifu East Area - Lake Bridge - unlocks north door
Faith Orb Follw Oyu to west courtyard of Castle Gifu and talk to her Castle Gifu - west courtyard - activates Iron Horse
Fashionable Goods In the hidden 21st level of the Purple Dark Realm Finish game with this item and an "Onimusha" ranking to unlock Jubei's Extra Costume
Gold Scale Castle Gifu Roof - defeat Gyaran Queen Castle Gifu Roof - use on the glowing fish sculpture on north end of roof to unseal entrance to Demon Base
Golden Key Oni Sacred Place Sub-Level - solve line puzzle in the laboratory Oni Sacred Place - Parcel Transport room - deactivates machines so Jubei can get across the room.
Great Powder Tube Demon Cave - inside the red box in the NW section Castle Gifu East Area Lake House - use on the two men guarding entrance to the blue idol shrine
Green Wedge Castle Gifu East Area - red item box at base of star tower Castle Gifu East Area - opens entrance to Green Phantom Realm located in the East Tea Room
Honesty Orb Defeat Jujudormah Fog Valley Rocky Cave 2 - use with Oni waverider device in underwater cave
Key Plate Oni Sacred Place - in the Oni Genbu Hall Used on gates near Earth Dragon Shrine to unlock east and west doors
Mountain Permit Imasho Town - purchase from man near the back of the pub for 100 gold Used to enter the Gold Mines outside of town
Nobunaga's Dignity Fog Valley Forest Thicket - break the blue Mozun seal Fog Valley - one of three statues used to gain entrance to Jujudormah's lair to the north
Nobunaga's Knowledge Fog Valley Steep Cliffs - break the green Mozun seal Fog Valley - one of three statues used to gain entrance to Jujudormah's lair to the north
Nobunaga's Reign Fog Valley - defeat Ginghamphatts the second time Fog Valley - one of three statues used to gain entrance to Jujudormah's lair to the north
Purify Charm Castle Gifu - inside the coal room on the second floor Castle Gifu - give to trapped spirit on first floor
Purple Wedge Castle Gifu - Daimyo's Study on the fifth floor Castle Gifu - opens door to Purple Dark Realm in closet on fifth floor
Red Ring Gold Mines - defeat Ginghamphatts and talk to injured miner Gold Mines - opens hatch near the injured miner
Red Stone Pole Kotaro's side quest - 5th level of Red Phantom Realm Used with Blue Stone Pole to remove totem located in the pond area of Fog Valley
Red Wedge Kotaro's side quest - Fog Valley Steep Cliffs - in black item box on upper level Fog Valley - opens the entrance to the Red Phantom Realm on south side of log bridge
Respect Orb Oni Sacred Place Boiler Room - defeat Gogandantess Oni Sacred Place - insert into female statue in Oni Genbu hall
Ring of Takajo Go to Heian Mansion after encounter with Jujudormah in Imasho Town marketplace Yagyu Village - use in bureau in fireplace room of main house to reveal the Four Guardians puzzle.
Sacred Flute Fog Bridge - defeat Oowashya and Barawashya in the ice chamber Disables Gogandantess' invulnerability shield during final battle
Scarlet Key Oni Sacred Place - in the forgotten treasure room next to the lift Oni Sacred Place - use on sealed double door in Laboratory
Snake Key Ekei's side quest - Gifu East Area Lake House - defeat Barawashya Gifu East Area Star Tower - Ekei uses key to free Jubei
Strength Orb Demon Base - defeat Ginghamphatts for the final time Demon Base - use on panel left of the lift to reach Nobunaga

Rare Items and Unique Gift Exchanges

Fossilized Bones
There are three Fossilized Bones that you can collect during the game by trading with the male sub-characters. These are VERY TRICKY to obtain since getting them is totally random. You may get one on your first trade or you may never get any of them during the entire game. Getting all three is quite an achievement. The trick is to trade as many items as you can and hope you get lucky. Since this is a random event you can save your game prior to trading items and keep reloading your game until you get the bone pieces.

If you do manage to collect all three pieces of Fossilized Bone (one from each male character) you will be able to use them much later in the adventure to acquire one of the most powerful necklaces in the game, the Black Necklace that makes every attack a Critical Hit for as long as you wear it. While the game is easily completed without this necklace, critical hits are a major portion of your final score calculation, so this item could prove useful in obtaining the coveted Onimusha Ranking.

There are 18 pieces of artwork scattered about the game. The first nine pieces are obtained through the Gift Exchange system but since there is not fixed item to trade for each piece of artwork you will have to keep trading items until you get them. Each sub-character possesses several pieces of art - check the Sub-Character Inventory section to see who carries which pieces.

The remaining nine pieces are found during your adventure. These are noted throughout the main walkthrough but here is a quick-index that links back to the section of the guide where you find each piece.

Artwork Piece Where You Find It
Artwork 1-2 Gift Exchange with Oyu
Artwork 3-4 Gift Exchange with Kotaro
Artwork 5-6 Gift Exchange with Magoichi
Artwork 7-9 Gift Exchange with Ekei
Artwork 10 Yagyu Village - Inside Jubei's House
Artwork 11 In tearoom east of Gifu Star Tower
Artwork 12 In locked east room in Castle Gifu
Artwork 13 Located in the Lakehouse
Artwork 14 Next to lift as you enter Oni Sacred Place
Artwork 15 Castle Gifu Tower just before Gyaran Queen
Artwork 16 Imasho Town Store Inventory #1
Artwork 17 Imasho Town Store Inventory #2
Artwork 18 Imasho Town Store Inventory #3

Finding all 18 pieces of Artwork will unlock the Puzzle Phantom Realm where you can obtain an additional 36 pieces of Artwork by solving various trick treasure boxes. This is explained in greater detail in the Secrets and Hidden Items along with complete solutions to all 36 puzzle boxes.


There are eight secret necklaces you can find in the world of Onimusha 2. Each one grants Jubei special powers for as long as he wears it, and each one is equally challenging to obtain. Since obtaining these necklaces require alliances with opposing characters you will only be able to obtain five necklaces during any one adventure. Here is a brief description for each of the necklaces along with a link to the section of the guide where you can obtain each of these powerful items.

Black Necklace - Found Here
This is one of the most powerful of all the necklaces and also the hardest one to obtain. When wearing this necklace every attack Jubei makes is a Critical Hit but he will also lose a significant amount of health from his power bar. This necklace is a great way to rack up massive amounts of critical hits to increase your final rank. The Black Necklace is found very late in the game in the Oni Sacred Place underground, but you will have had to previously obtained three Fossilized Bones from the male sub-characters.

Blue Necklace - Found Here
This necklace allows Jubei to absorb souls at twice the normal rate and also blocks the Gyaran from stealing souls away from you. To acquire this necklace you will need to be allied with Kotaro prior to entering the Demon Caves. Kotaro will then appear and reveal a secret wall section that gives you access to this prize.

Green Necklace - Found Here
This is a very useful necklace as it allows Jubei to see the 15 hidden Demon Treasure Boxes scattered throughout the game. Without this necklace these boxes are totally undetectable. Since you cannot afford to wear this necklace all the time you may want to visit the Hidden Demon Treasure Boxes section of the guide for clues as to when and where to put on this necklace. To obtain this necklace you will need to be allied with Magiochi prior to returning to Yagyu Village. You will encounter Magiochi at the Dragon Pond and he will give you a Saiga Bomb you can use to blast some loose rocks near the Dragon Shrine and reveal this necklace.

Orange Necklace - Found Here
This is another useful necklace as it allows Jubei to see hidden red soul clusters scattered throughout the game. There are 38 hidden clusters and without this necklace you will never find them. Since you cannot afford to wear this necklace all the time you may want to visit the Hidden Soul Clusters section of the guide for clues as to when and where to put on this necklace. To obtain this necklace you will need to help the man in the shop in Imasho Town convert a piece of chalk into a slice of melon for his sick father. This is explained in greater detail in the guide.

Purple Necklace - Found Here
This powerful charm allows Jubei to perform magical attacks using only half the normal magic power. You find this necklace on the final level of the Purple Phantom Realm.

Red Necklace - Found Here
The red necklace causes enemies to release more red soul energy when they die - a great tool for enhancing your weapons and armor and also for factoring in to your final ranking. Note that while red souls are increased yellow and blue souls are no longer released while wearing this necklace. To get this necklace Oyu must be your best ally when you enter Oni Sacred Place. Just after obtaining the Circle Key you will encounter Oyu and shortly thereafter a hidden area is revealed containing this charm.

White Necklace - Found Here
This powerful necklace allows Jubei to heal himself simply by standing still while wearing it. This is a slow process but it will allow you to save your healing items for the boss fights or those times when you simply don't have the luxury of standing around for several minutes. To get this necklace simply speak with the owner of the store in Imasho Town after buying out his inventory for the third and final time.

Yellow Necklace - Found Here
This necklace allows Jubei to absorb yellow soul energy from demons while they are still alive. Simply stand over a fallen enemy while wearing this necklace and press R1+ to steal their life force. To get this powerful necklace you need to be allied with Ekei prior to entering the Oni Sacred Place.

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