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� November 2002 Bert Jamin
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Level 3:
Leave this area and turn right to the entrance of the Quidditch Arena.
Your Quidditch entrance
Follow Oliver to the Quidditch Pitch. We�re going go make
sure we win the Quidditch cup this year and the way we�re going to do that is
practice, practice, practice� First, a quick recap of what we learned last
The red ball is called the Quaffle, and it�s the job of the
three Chasers to get it past the enemy Keeper into one of the Goal Posts. But
you don�t need to concern yourself with that.
There are also two Bludgers flying around, which you don�t want to get hit by. But don�t worry, each team has two Beaters who try to keep them away from you.
The Goal Posts and the Bludgers
Last and most importantly, it�s your job as Gryffindor�s
Seeker to catch the Golden Snitch before the enemy Seeker does.
Since Harry�s been off all summer, let�s start out easy.
Oliver is going to throw up just a Snitch for you: try and catch it.
When you are nearing the Snitch press jump to catch it!
Well done! You�ve caught the Snitch!
The rest of the Gryffindor team arrives so let�s play a mock
game of Quidditch. Oliver is going to have a Gryffindor stand in as an enemy
Seeker. You�ll need to make sure she�s out of the way before you can catch
the Snitch. Press jump to push her away.
Both Seekers have their own Health meters
After the practice the Slytherin team comes joining our friends. Hey,
they�ve got new brooms� and it looks like� yes they are! They�re Nimbus
Two Thousand and Ones!
Apparently Lucius Malfoy made a very generous donation. Remember
that jealous guy we�ve met in the bookstore? What are you doing here,
I�m the Slytherin
Seeker now! Perhaps someday Gryffindor will be able to afford new brooms!
the nasty name some Wizards use for other Wizards who
were born to non-magical parents. And speaking of mud, October arrived damply at
Hogwarts, spreading a soggy chill over the grounds and into the castle.
Wiggenweld Potion
[3.2] Harry meets Hermione: It�s
time for Potions class with Professor Snape! We don�t want to be late�you
know what he�s like.
following Hermione to the Dungeons turn back and go up the stairs to the
Gryffindor Dormitory. Enter
the Common Room and turn left. Cast Alohomora on a chest.
will obtain the bronze Wizard
Card #26: Almeric Sawbridge, River Troll.
is a Save Book by the fireplace. Remember that Book should you want to save
later on.
Go down and follow Hermione to the Dungeon in the Entrance Hall. Down the stairs turn left and cast Alohomora on the wall, where there is an �I� sign.
There is this funny sign on the floor. Look up and you�ll see
more Beans hovering above. Would that sign mean some future magic Spell for
jumping higher? It sure looks like a spring to me!
You�ll be entering a dark corridor and
Hermione enters the first
opening to your left. Better go check the whole new area first. The opening to
your right leads to a room with some green jelly. Not much to see in there �
for the time being. But remember that place.
Walk in the corridor and cast Flipendos on the iron soldiers.
(right: 3 x / left: 2 x). Boy, that will give you some Beans. Get more Beans out
of the chest.
Enter the classroom. Today you will attempt to learn the art of
mixing one of the most useful potions ever concocted�the Wiggenweld potion. It
seems like Harry has just volunteered to show the rest of the class how this is
A Wiggenweld potion will restore some of your lost stamina. Even a
single bottle is capable of healing the most grievous wounds. Walk up to the
chest and take out the two ingredients: Flobberworm Mucous and Wiggentree bark.
Then walk up to the cauldron near to the chest. Don�t go to the other chest
since Prof. Snape will call you back: where
are you going boy? Get back over here and complete your lesson!
Observe Harry adding the ingredients from the chest to the
cauldron and mixing them
You now have a Wiggenweld potion. To drink the potion, press space
bar. From now on you may purchase the ingredients and brew the elixir for
Therefore, there are cauldrons like this one throughout
These are the only cauldrons in which Wiggenweld potions
can be made
So now you know what these smoking cauldrons were all about.
Harry, Ron and Hermione return to the corridor and discuss the
brewing of the concoction. Suddenly the scene turns purple once again and the
evil voice says: Come�
come to me� let
me rip you.
Our friends flee to the common room and witness the murder on
Mrs. Norris (the cat of Filch). In her blood is written on the wall:
The game is turning somewhat weird now
Then this nasty Malfoy and his gang arrive: Enemies of the Heir, beware! You�ll be next, Mudbloods!
But then Aldus Dumblemore appears. She�s been petrified, but how? I cannot say�
Please, return to
your dormitories!
Everyone at Hogwarts was disturbed by the attack on Mrs. Norris
and the mysterious words scrawled on the wall. Rumors and speculation spread�
Hermione, in particular, was especially affected. Ron and Harry
became sure that she was up to something� but, whatever it was, she remained
The Skurge Spell Lesson
[3.3] Harry meets Hermione again outside the spiral staircase. We
have to get to Charms Class, Harry. And I have an idea.
should ask Professor Flitwick about the Chamber of Secrets. He�s bound to know
something. Let�s go! Follow Hermione to the Hall of
Floating Stairs. Welcome to Charms class. Today we shall be learning the Skurge
Hermione and Harry ask questions about the Chamber of Secrets.
Godric Gryffindor
Salazar Slytherin
Helga Huttlepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw
Prof. Flitwick
Slytherin wanted to admit only the Wizard-born students at
Hogwarts. The other founders refused and as a result, Slytherin left the school.
He built a secret chamber in the castle, of which the other
founders knew nothing� with a great monster to guard the chamber from within.
The legend states that one day, Slytherin�s true Heir will
return to open the chamber and control the horror within. And then, all who are
not Wizard-born will be purged from Hogwarts.
Now, back to magic reality. Try not to focus on all this Chamber of Secrets balderdash� concentrate on the symbol in front of you.
Hit the corresponding arrow key
When you�ve successfully learned Skurge in three rounds, it�s
time for you to test your newly learned knowledge in the Skurge Spell Challenge!
The Skurge Challenge
[3.4] You�ll start with 2,000 seconds and you know what to do to
reach the completion Star!
This is the Completion Star of the Skurge Challenge
2 (right) and 4 (left) Flipendos on the iron guys in the antechamber. That
will give you a few Beans and take away a lot of seconds. Now you know how that
green substance is called: Ectoplasm!
Skurge the first Ectoplasm and enter the next room.
Turn left by the 2nd Ectoplasm and hit the cauldron
with Flipendo.
Cross the wooden beam and Skurge two Ectos on the floor to clear the way (you can cast Skurge to free items that have been trapped by Ectoplasm).
Clearing the way to push the beam
Now cast a number of Flipendos on the beam. The beam may then
serve as a launch pad for your next jump.
Before doing that, jump down and cast Alohomora on the �S�
sign in the right corner. Inside, open the chest for the bronze Wizard
Card # 32: Bridget Wenlock 1202-1285, Famous Arithmancer.
Climb up to the beam and jump to your 1st Challenge
Save here
[3.5] In the next room there are many Ectoplasm blobs.
Cast some
Skurges on them to clear the passage and open the Chest. Do a Alohomora on the
red bottle. Stun the fire Crab with
Rictusempra and cast Flipendo on the green bottle for more Beans.
Eat the Cocoa Frog and proceed into the passage with 3 more Crabs.
Get them on their back with Rictusempra and flip the cauldron for Beans.
Harry�s 2nd Star
Ohh..no�it�s Peeves! Skurge him 4 or 5 times and he�ll run off.
Well, if it isn�t
spotty grotty snotty Potty-wotter!
The door to the next room has also opened. Look through one of the
three windows in Peeves� room and notice 3 green Ectoplasms on the opposite
We�ll have to get to that room as well
Pass the door to the Dragon statue and Cast Alohomora. A cut scene
shows how a panel in Peeves� room slides down and how another panel above a
ledge slides up in the other room. Go in there and cast Skurge on each of the
green blubbers so you may proceed along the narrow ledge. Capture the Beans
and� Star #3.
Walking up the stairs to the Star
When you take that Star a door to your left slides open.
You�re back in the passage with a Crab. Quickly turn left and
run down the stairs to Peeves� room. Outside
there is A Save Book near the Dragon Statue.
[3.6] Leave this section for a next room.
Cast Flipendo on a beam. It will rotate through 180� and barricade the access
to a Challenge Star. Casting Flipendo won�t help�
Cast Flipendo
twice on the Wizard Statue and get more Beans. Then, cast
Lumos on the Gargoyle and a secret entrance will light up.
Descend the stairs,
grab a couple of Beans and cast Flipendo on the bottle on the
floor. You�ll get a Wiggentree Bark in return.
Cast a spell on the Flipendo sign and the beam will turn to its
original position.
You�ll be entering a low room with a Choc Frog and some Beans.
Run up the stairs, grab a purple Bean and turn left. Take the
orange Bean, turn left and stun the Crab. A door opens: watch the Crab in there.
You�re back in the room full of Ectos! Run straight to Challenge Star #4.
Harry�s 4th Challenge Star
Turn left and smash the chest for
the bronze Card # 66: Flavius
Belby, 1715-1792 Only wizard.
[3.7] Eat the Frog if you�re hungry.
You�ll hear some funny voices now. Skurge the Ectoplasm to your left to unveil a Snail plate.
Stun the Giant Snail with Rictusempra and shuffle it onto the plate with lots of
Flipendo. That will open a secret door in the passage. Cast Alohomora on the
chest inside and earn the silver Wizard
Card # 14: Fulbert the Fearful, 1014-1097 Famous.
Flip that cauldron. Turn toward the room on your left and notice
two Ectoplasms on the floor, a Snail and a sealed exit door in front of a
Challenge Star.
Cast Skurge on both Ectoplasms and look up to the ceiling. Cast
Alohomora on the trap-door. A Snail drops onto the platform that will lower by
its weight and partly open the exit door. With some luck the other Snail will
drop in as well.
Look through the windows in the other room and shoot a Flobberworm
Mucous out of the bottle on the ledge. Return and jump on the other platform.
You will ride down and now the door to your 5th Star is completely
opened � at least for a while. Run out of the pit to the other room, grab some
Beans and the Flobber Muke and head for your 5th Star. Open the chest
for a couple of Beans.
Your 5th Star and a chest on the side
Go down the stairs and flip the cauldron. Ignore the Gargoyle for
now. In the blue Hall you�ll make acquaintance with a Cornish Pixie.
Troublesome and annoying creatures, they are. If they touch you, they will bite,
so try avoid them. Rictusempra will stun them.
Now be careful here, because this is where you may easily miss the
6th Star. DO NOT follow Nick and certainly don�t shoot the
Ectoplasm down there. If you do, the ledge will lower down with Harry and you
can�t go up again.
Cast Alohomora on the wall fresco but don�t enter the new room
yet. Return to the Gargoyle but first cast Alohomora thrice on the small chest on
the table and earn some tasty Beans. Now cast Lumos on the Gargoyle. That will
temporarily light up a hole in the floor of the room you�ve just opened in the
blue Hall. Go inside, take all the Beans and jump down to Star # 6 and some more
A trap-door is sliding open after you�ve jumped in here
Jump below and stun 2 Crabs. Quickly cast Alohomora
twice on a small
chest on the floor.
Catch the brown Frog. Cast Skurge on the Ectoplasm above the
grilled door, remember? That�s the one I warned you about when you just stood
upstairs. The door will open, get inside and seize Star #7.
Your 7th Goldstar
Run and jump to the ledge with the Ecto and Skurge it. The two ledges will start moving now. Make a tricky well-timed jump to the other ledge and cast Flipendo on the opposite sign. When you do this, you'll see a secret passage being opened BEHIND YOU!!! So, turn around and jump from the moving ledges. Turn to the right and enter the room to find the silver Wizard card # 59: Gregory the Smarmy Medieval, dates inknown.
Jump back to the silver Card
If you miss the jump you�ll have to
start all over at [3.7]. Jump to the ledge with the cauldron and cast a flipping
Spell on it.
Walk up to your right and open a chest. Stun the Pixie that flies
Go in the other room and flip the cauldron. Proceed upward, pick up some beans and flip the cauldron before entering the top room.
The top Room with Challenge Star #8. Notice the Gnome
Take the Star, and throw 2 Gnomes in the hole in the small room
with a chest that you should break. It contains the bronze Wizard
Card # 84: Roland Kegg, 1903-present President.
Cast Flipendo 3 x on the block with the sign on it and it will fall through the hole onto one half of the balance.
The block will keep the balance in position
First flip 2 cauldrons in the top room, cast Alohomora
thrice on a small
chest and Flipendo on a red bottle. Gather some Beans.
Jump into the hole after the block, ascend the balance and catch
the 9th Star. Take the beans and also those in the chest. Watch out
for the Snail.
Now cast Lumos on the Gargoyle. Run down the ramp and jump on the
lit ledge. Look up and cast Alohomora on a spot near the ceiling. A secret door
will open to a ledge with Star #10.
Alohomora! Your final Challenge Star!
Jump, take your Star and turn left where a door just slid open.
Hit the Completion Star to finish Skurge Challenge with your
personal high score.
The Completion Star! End of the Challenge!
You may always return here and improve your score. It�s the door
next to the statue.
The Second House Point Ceremony
Now before following this chap to the House Point Ceremony room turn left of the
Statue, go up the stairs and follow the corridor till the next stairs that are
going down.
at the wall on your left side and notice a discolored part in the wall. Cast
Alohomora on that part and a Secret Room will open.
A Secret Room in the corridor
Skurge on the two Ectoplasms that are blocking your way up, and climb the
ledges. Pick up some Beans. Inside cast Alohomora on the chest and Harry will
retrieve his silver Wizard
Card #99: Daisy Dodderidge, 1467-1555, First Landlady.
out of this room, turn left three times and this chap will meet Harry again. Follow
him to the House Point Ceremony Room.
entering turn left in the antechamber and open that secret entrance once again.
Skurge the Ectoplasm this time. Pooh�there�s a spider�s net underneath. I
think we�ll have to wait for some later Spell� Take
the Beans anyway.
go and grab as many Beans as you can in the second House Point Ceremony. This
time you may also open some Ectoplasm doors and find more Beans�
New doors for more Beans�
Harry, Ron and Hermione are making Secret Plans
After that
our friends will meet again in the Hall of Floating
Harry! I want to investigate the scene of the crime.
Filch usually guards the hallway where his cat was petrified. But he�s
away� so now is our chance!
They all proceed to the second floor:
Do you really think
there�s a Chamber of Secrets?
Nobody could protect Mrs. Norris. Whatever attacked her
might not be� human.
Remember all the water that was on the floor? Where had
it come from?
I can�t go in there. That�s a girls� bathroom!
It is actually Moaning Myrtle�s Place. She haunts one of the bathrooms. It�s been out-of-order all year because she keeps having tantrums and flooding the place.
I wish people would stop talking behind my back
Who can the Heir of Slytherin be though? Who�d want to frighten all the non-magical folk out of Hogwarts?
Ron: Draco Malfoy! You
heard him call Hermione a Mudblood. But how do we prove it�s him?
We�d need to sneak inside the Slytherin Common and
ask Malfoy a few questions without him realizing it�s us.
All they would need is some Polyjuice Potion. It transforms one into somebody else.
We could change Harry into a Slytherin. No one would
realize it was really Harry!
Two of the potion ingredients are a bit tricky, though: powdered Bicorn Horn and shredded Boomslang Skin. And where to find those?
YES! There is some Bicorn Horn in the Snape�s storage room!
Hermione is not sure about the shredded Boomslang Skin. Perhaps
checking at the Library?
Lovely! Molting Boomslangs and corridors full of goo.
This should be enjoyable
But first go save somewhere. Go out of this Dungeon entrance and up to the Monumental staircase. Go all the way right to the Gryffindor Dormitory. Pass the portrait of the Pink Lady and go in. Open the chest and grab a Bean. Then, save by the Book at the fireplace.