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� November 2002 Bert Jamin
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8: Slytherin
Bathroom of Moaning Myrtle
Harry is standing at the third floor of the Hall of Floating Ledges. He needs to
take the bit of Goyle back to Hermione in Moaning Myrtle�s Bathroom.
straight to the Bathroom, you know the way now. Harry
adds the bit of Goyle to Hermione�s Potion. Now he�s got to drink that
thing! Harry
changes into Goyle. He talks in a lazy way!
turns into Goyle
Goyle/Harry investigate the Bathroom. First open the chest in the octagonal
section of the Bathroom. It
contains the bronze wizard Card # 37: Cassandra Vablatsky, 1894-1997, Celebrated
Seer and author.
enter the toilets section. About halfway on your left you may cast Flipendo on a
toilet. Grab the Beans. Myrtle keeps going on, don�t pay attention to her
you�re passing the second floor you may as well visit the Room with Four Locks
and unlock a next lock, because Harry has collected over 20 silver Wizard Cards!
out of the Hall and down the Monumental Staircase. The entrance to the Dungeons
is on your right.
soon as Goyle enters here, you�ll see some Slytherin guy running into entrance
#2 (the first one your right). Follow him. The
guy says the password:
So that�s the password. Goyle goes on with his slow voice: I
bet I can use that to get into the Slytherin Common Room.
has to follow the guy, apply the password and enter the Slytherin Common Room.
is entering the Slytherin Dormitory
House of Slytherin
Goyle is entering an octagonal room with three monster faces on the walls. You
are hearing the grunting of Gnomes. Step on the central green circle and the
room will rotate.
of the room
the next room with a brightly colored tile on the floor. Cast
Flipendo on each of both tin soldiers and shake out some Beans.
cast Flipendo on the brown statue and it will rise. Now that fellow is standing
on a Flipendo block. Cast Flipendo on the block while Goyle is standing on the
tile and he will go down together with it.
on the block
a room with an octagonal wooden wheel immobilized by two ropes. Cast Diffindo on
each rope and the doors will open. In the next room, three Gnomes are making
troubles. Stun and throw each of these nasty fellows in the hole.
the next room with three brown statues. The door will close behind Goyle. Cast
Flipendo on the one on your right, then on the next two, starting from your
right. The
plate will go up, and jump off there since it will promptly go down again. You�ll
enter another octagonal room will wall monsters. Step on the central circle.
you�ll see how some chap is casting Skurge on three Ectoplasms inside a next
room and he�s saying: have
fun Goyle!
will make a large trap-door go down
saving by the book, cast Flipendo on the ringed tile on your right and that door
will open up. There you�ll notice a Flipendo sign. Cast Flipendo on it. A
secret entrance then unveils behind the corner where the Save Book is waiting.
Enter the Secret Room on your right. Walk down the stairs and cast Skurge on a
floorblob. Down the stairs you�ll enter a room with three monster faces on the
wall. Cast Flipendo on each face and three blocks will come out of the wall
outside this room.
blocks lead to a chest
cast Alohomora on the chest in this room and extract the BB Beans. Run outside
and turn right, where you�ll jump to the three raised blocks, and further to
the balcony with the chest. Cast Alohomora on the chest and retrieve your silver
Wizard Card #3: Elfrida Clagg, 1612-1687, Chieftaness.
you step on the footprints the large trap-door will go up again � for a short
while, and then it goes down. There is a Flipendo block on your left side. Cast
Flipendo on that and some ledges start to move.
floating ledges
you jump to both ledges you�ll hop into a room on the second floor with some
Ectoplasms and a Gargoyle. Cast
Skurge on all of the green ones. A
purple Flipendo sign has now set free. Cast Flipendo on it. Now
some green stuff is falling down below and forms three new Ectoplasms.
Ectos act like glue blubbers on the trap-door
may cast Flipendo on that sign forever, it�ll always repeat the same movie. Cast
Lumos on the Gargoyle. A
part in the floor on your right is now being charmed.
down in here
drop on the floor plate with footstep signs on it, and this time the trap-door
goes up�and stays up!
these Ectoplasms!
and cast Flipendo on the cauldron for a Chocolate Frog. Turn
left and a next cauldron contains Beans. Now
go in. You�ll arrive in a Hall with a Gargoyle and 4 Cornish Pixies flying
around. Get rid of these pesky Pixies.
At the right of the Gargoyle you can look over the banisters. You'll see floating platforms. Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle. Then climb over the banisters and jump on the first floating platform.
Climb over here
Go on walking and jumping across the platforms until you reach the correct spot. Be careful to not fall down and be sure to reach the correct spot in time before your light goes out.
The correct spot
Empty the two Armours and the chest to get lots of Beans. Now go all the way back. Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle once more. Walk to the left and jump on the next set of floating platforms.
Another set of floating platforms...
Walk/jump all the way until you reacht a correct spot again. You'll see what it is.
... and the correct spot again
In this room you find one Armour and two chests. The Armour and the chest at the right are containing lots of Beans. The chest in the center of the room contains the bronze Wizardcard # 24: Adalbert Waffling, 1899-1981 Famous magical theoreticien. Now go all the way back and cast Lumos on the Gargoyle once more. Turn to the left and walk until the end of the carpet.
newly charmed wall
be entering the Slytherin Common Room. Look
at the second sign on your left. It is an upside-down triangle with a circle in
the middle.
Alohomora on this sign and enter.
are lots of Beans and spider nets. Cast Rictusempra on the giant spiders. You�ll
find a tile-and-a-ring in the wall. Cast Alohomora on the thing. Now
enter a Library. Turn left and notice another tile-with-a-ring on your left.
Flipendo on the tile. On
your left a bookcase will lower down. Jump
to the shelves and look to a panel that will lower, revealing a chest.
A secret chest
Alohomora on the chest and earn the bronze wizard Card #67: Justus Pilliwickle,
1862-1953, Celebrated Head. Go
out of the Library, and you will see a brown statue. Cast Flipendo on it and it
will treat Goyle on a vicious laughter, spitting spiders at him.
left and right. There are two Slytherin Banners. Cast Alohomora on each of them
and in the middle a door will open unveiling a Secret Room with a chest inside.
Another secret chest
Alohomora on the chest and seize your silver Wizard Card #17: Morgan le Fay,
Medieval, dates unknown. Go
out of this room, turn right. Behind the corner go left and enter a room with a
blue Gargoyle face in it. Cast Flipendo on the two tin men in there. Get out the
Beans. Cast
Alohomora on the blue face and that door will open.
seems to be loaded with secret chests
Alohomora on the chest and earn the bronze Wizard Card #95: Yardley Platt,
1446-1557, Serial goblin-killer.
out here. Turn right, left and right and enter the Slytherin Common Room.
is a fireplace. Turn right and cast Flipendo on the bottle with Flobberworm
Mucous. Take out the Muke. Go
further to the round table and cast Flipendo on a bottle with Wiggentree Bark.
Take the Bark.
opposite to the fireplace. Turn
right. Malfoy will join you: There you are
Goyle. Draco
has been looking all over for Goyle: Come
on, follow me.
talks with Goyle by the fireplace:
know, Goyle, I suppose Dumbledore�s trying to hush up all these attacks.
He�ll be fired if they don�t stop soon. And
as for Saint Potter, he�s another one with no proper Wizard feeling. And
people think he�s Slytherin�s Heir!
wish I knew who it is. I could help them (can you believe this guy? What an
arrogant prick!). Goyle
(Harry!) replies: You must have some idea
who�s behind it all?
that didn�t do the trick: You
know I haven�t Goyle, how many times do I have to tell you?
now Draco is confessing.
I know one thing: last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened a Mudblood girl
died. So
I bet it�s a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. I hope
it�s Granger.
doesn�t feel all that comfortable with this kind of talk: Anyway,
er, Draco, I�d best be going.
insists that he wants to go to the hospital wing. He�s got a so-called
stomach-ache and needs to get something for it.
on then!
doesn�t want Goyle hanging around here all night with that pained expression
on his face.
down again, turn right. Go left, back to the fireplace. Go up the stairs on your
left side. Now
you will see Goyle changing back into Harry: I�d
better try to keep my distance from the Slytherin kids and sneak out. If they
spot me in here�who knows what might happen!. Your
game will be automatically saved now.
Harry is standing in front of the two Slytherin Banners. If he�s got caught by
any of the Slytherin kids, Prof. Snape will punish Harry!
Potter, I do believe expulsion is in order!
needs to get out of here without any of the Slytherins seeing him! Just
run through the corridor in the direction of the Hall with the Gargoyle.
You�ll be followed by angry Slytherins, and then a cut scene comes in.
news that Nearly Headless Nick had been petrified spread through the school like
a dark cloud when everyone got back from holiday. If
a Ghost can be petrified - the students thought - then no one is safe?!
first years moved around the Castle in tight-knit groups, afraid they might be
attacked if they ventured out alone. A
furious trade in Talismans, Amulets, and other protective Devices was sweeping
the school. In
the meantime, Harry had learned that Draco Malfoy was not the Heir of Slytherin.
if it isn�t Draco... and it isn�t Harry then who is it?