All images in this walkthrough are property of Ubi Soft Entertainment™

Walkthrough by Bert Jamin

© October 2004 Bert Jamin (
This walkthrough may not be sold and may not be used for any commercial purposes. Neither is it permitted to publish this walkthrough in any way without the written permission of the author Bert Jamin ( and his E-mail address ([email protected]) are mentioned unchanged. For the most up to date walkthroughs always visit
If you have any suggestions to improve this walkthrough, let me know by sending me an email: [email protected].

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Serenia I


Serenia II

or click on the image at the bottom of this page to go to the next chapter.

Attention: I'm writing this walkthrough while playing the game for the very first time. Maybe I'll have to update this walkthrough during the game! So check often if there are any improvements... For the last time updated on: 10.30.2004 .

Chapter 2, Spire


Turn around, go forward and pull up the lever if you wish to listen to the horn. Turn around and walk past the bent bars. Look to the right and zoom in on the diary. Click on the amulet. Zoom out and turn to the left. Climb down four staircases. Turn to the left and go forward. Push the button on the left side of the elevator shaft. For some reason the elevator doesn't come...

Zoom in on the elevator shaft to see it has gone down a long long way. Zoom out and turn around. Go forward and climb down another two staircases. Turn to the right and walk to the crystal statues of the whole family with the little water basin. Zoom in and click on the amulet. Zoom out and look a little further to the right. Zoom in on the extinguished fireplace. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Turn around and walk to the passage on the left side of the crystal statues.

Walk to the huge white crystal at the end of the gangway. Zoom in on the crystal and click on the amulet. Notice that this is a pentagon shaped crystal. Also notice that there is a white mark on the fourth position from top on the scale. Zoom out and take a picture of the crystal. Turn to the right and zoom in on the huge tube. Click on the amulet. Jump into the tube. At the end of the ride, look to the left to see seven lit crystals in the distance. Good... you might think. Well... no, the point is that these crystals shouldn't be lit!

Turn to the right and go forward twice. Now you're standing in front of some sort of a device. Pull up the green-lit handle. When it opens, it appears to be some kind of circuit board. Notice that it is dead for now. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Turn to the left and walk toward the crystals that are floating in the air in the distance. Zoom in on those crystals and click on the amulet. Zoom out.

Turn to the left and walk to the device  with the green hose attached to it. Zoom in on the device and click on the amulet. Zoom out and press the blue-lit button on the left side of the device. When the lid opens you'll see a small lever on the left side, seven little green crystals, a bottom slider and a power gauge on the right side.

Flip down the small lever to get power to the panel. Move the bottom slider to the right, back to the center position, to the right, back to the center position and to the right once more. Notice that all seven little green crystals are lit now. Wait a moment and you'll see a device is come down and pull to the electromagnet on the left bottom side of the panel.

All seven crystals lit...

Turn to the right and walk toward the circuit board. Pull up the green-lit handle one more time. Notice that the lower section of the left panel is lit. Zoom out. Turn to the right and climb up the steel ladder. On top of the ladder move the green-lit handle of the hatch to the left.

Turn to the left and go forward three times. Look to the right and zoom in on the huge tube leading down. Go down the tube. Now you enter a room with a strange kind of chair. Have a seat. Push the blue button on the right side of the chair. The lid of the chair closes. Now have a very good look at the closed lid. On top of the lid you'll notice 36 little green crystals. Only 7 of them are lit now. Remember that you just lit the device at the bottom of the ladder to have 7 lit crystals! That can't be a coincidence!!! Take a close look at the bottom left sign of the lid. Notice that it corresponds with the square button beneath the little bars with the green dots. These actually are sliders, as you will discover later on in the game. Also notice that there is the number 36 written on the left side of that sign. This really is a very important clue, as you will discover soon enough. Finally notice that the square button isn't lit now which means that the chair isn't working properly yet. Now you realize that the chair will only work properly when all 36 little green crystals are lit. This means that you have to look around for some more panels and crystal to switch them on or off to get exactly 36 green-lit crystals at this chair!

Notice the number 36 next to the left bottom image and 7 little green-lit crystals

Because the chair isn't working properly now, push the blue button on the right side once more to open the lid. Walk straight ahead to the door with the bars. Pull down the green-lit lever on the left side of the door. Go through the opened door and turn to the left. Climb up the stairs. Look to the left and step into the elevator. Pull up the green-lit lever. When the elevator stops, turn around and go forward four times. Turn to the right and walk toward the steel ladder. Climb up the ladder.

Turn around and notice the same kind of device as you saw downstairs. Zoom in on the device and click on the amulet. Zoom out and press the blue-lit button at the left side of the device. Flip down the little lever at the left side of the panel. Move the bottom slider to the left, back to the center position and to the right. This lights two of the little green crystals are lit. This means that there should be lit 9 crystals of the strange chair. Although nothing else seems to happen, it really does!

Two crystals lit...

Turn around and climb down the ladder. Turn to the right and go one step forward. Zoom in on the floating chained rock. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Walk toward the desk. Turn to the left and go forward twice. Turn to the right. Go forward one step and zoom in on the crystal figure of Catherine with the plant. Click on the amulet. Zoom out and study the desk at your right side. Turn to the right and walk forward. Turn to the left and walk forward one more step.

Turn to the left and zoom in on Sirrus' Journal. Click on the amulet and look through the Journal. When finished reading zoom out. Pan a little to the right and zoom in on the instruments on the desk. Click on the amulet. You can play with electrical device if you wish. Zoom out. Pan a little further to the right and look through the telescope. Click on the amulet. Zoom out.

Turn to the right and go forward. Walk to the ladder and open the hatch to go down. Walk straight forward in the direction of the crystals. Turn to the left and walk to the floating ship. Climb down to enter the ship. Pull the green-lit lever all the way forward for a free ride to the distant island.

The floating ship

When you arrive at the island, look up and climb out of the ship. Go forward and look around. Notice a platform with the same kind of device you just set in the Docking area and in the Garden area to get the airship to work properly. The only thing is that you can't reach it because of the gap in the floor. Cross the bridge at your right. Look to the right to see another tube leading down. Zoom in on that tube and click on the amulet. Climb down the tube. Turn to the left and go forward in the direction of the window with the chains. Zoom in on the circular monitor and click on the amulet.

Notice the blue button on the right side of the monitor. Also notice the four pushbuttons surrounding the blue button. Push the bottom button four times and the blue button will light. Press the blue button to zoom in on that spot. Press the blue button once more to zoom out. Press the upper button seventeen times. Press the blue button once more to zoom in. When have seen enough push the blue button to zoom out. Press the left button five times. Zoom in. You'll see another huge white crystal. Notice that this is a circular shaped crystal and that the slider is at the third position from the top. Press the blue button to zoom out. Press your left mouse button to zoom out of the monitor.

Note the slider on the third position from top

Turn around. Go forward once and go to the right. Turn to the left. You'll see a huge wheel with an enormous chain. Pull the handle in front of the wheel. Hmmm... nothing! Have a closer look at the right side of the wheel. Notice that a piece of rock with little green crystals is blocking the wheel. Push that piece of rock to set the wheel free.

The piece of rock stuck in the wheel

Pull the handle once more. This time the wheel releases the chain and a huge rock will float up in the air. Turn to the left and walk to the hanging rope.

Climb up the rope. Cross the bridge leading the right. Turn to the right and notice that the machine with the chain released a huge rock that is floating in the gap in the floor. Step on the floating rock and walk to the device on the platform. Zoom in on the lid and click on the amulet. Zoom out. Press the blue-lit button to open the lid. Holy Jesus! Remember that the first device you just set in the Docking area had seven little green crystals, the second one in the Garden area had four and this one has no less then thirty-four of them!!!

Flip down the left lever. Move the bottom slider as follows: one position to the right, one position to the right, one position to the left, one position to the left and one position to the right. Now count the little green crystals that are lit. It should be 29. This means that now there should be 38 little green crystals lit on the strange chair. But... wait a minute... there are only 36 crystals on that chair. Correct!!! This means that at this moment there are two too many crystals lit. Turn around and step back on the floating rock. Turn to the left and walk forward. Pull up the green-lit handle on the circuit board. Click on the amulet. Zoom out and step back on the floating rock. Go straight ahead and board your vessel. Push the lever all the way forwards to go back to the main place.

Twenty-nine crystals lit

Look up and exit the vessel. Turn to the right and go forward. Turn to the right and climb up the steel ladder. Open the hatch once more and climb up the next ladder. Turn to the left. Walk to the the device and push the blue-lit button on the left. Remember that you set this device so that two crystals are lit but because you don't need the air ship anymore you can now switch off this panel. The result of this is that the two green crystals are no longer lit and that brings the total of lit crystals to exactly 36! So...flip up the little lever to shut down the power supply. Climb down the ladder.

Turn to the left and go forward two times. Look down to the floor at your right side to find a note lying on the floor. Zoom in and take a picture. Zoom out and go forward one time. Now you enter Sirrus' bedroom annex working area. Look around and from the left to the right you'll see his bed, a little table with a chessboard, another huge crystal, his working bench and  another huge tube leading down. Walk toward the bed. Turn to the left past the bucket filled with water. Notice another piece of paper lying on the floor. Zoom in and take a picture. Zoom out. Turn around and zoom in on the chessboard. Click on the amulet. Zoom out.

Turn to the right and walk toward the huge white crystal. Turn around and zoom in on the bed pole on the right side of the chessboard. Notice the scale of the white crystal. Also notice that the white mark is on the seventh position from the top. Turn around and zoom in on the white crystal. Click on the amulet. Notice that this is a hexagon shaped crystal. Take a picture of the crystal. Turn around and walk toward the working bench.

The slider on the seventh position from top

Zoom in on the note on the left side of the desk. Take a picture and zoom out. Turn to the right and zoom in on the other note. Take a picture and zoom out. Open the square compartment at the right side of the desk. Move the gear to the right. Take a picture of the note about the blue crystal. Flip that note up to the right side and take a picture of that note too.

Zoom out, turn to the right and go forward one step. Turn to the left and zoom in on the tube leading down. Climb down the tube. Turn to the left and walk toward the crystal statue of Atrus and Catherine. Zoom in on the note they are holding and take a picture of the note. Zoom out and turn around. Go forward one step. Turn to the right and go through the opened gate. Turn to the left and climb up the stairs. Look down to the floor and zoom in on the note. Take a picture of the note and zoom out. Return to the room with the strange chair and have a seat. Press the blue button on the right side. The huge lid will cover you once more.

The chair all set up!!!

Pull the blue handle on the left side down one position. Zoom in on the statue that comes down. Click on the amulet. Zoom out. Pull the blue handle all the way down. Save your game just in case. Look down a little to notice four circular displays. Zoom in on each and every display and see that the top-left display contains a white crystal, the bottom-left display a piece of stone, the top-right display a piece of nara and the bottom-right display a blue crystal. Actually these displays are locks to keep you in the chair. Your goal is to open all the locks at the same time by using the correct frequency. You can determine the correct frequencies from the notes you gathered. But... before you can do that, you first have to calibrate the chair cables.

Push the square light green-lit panel in front of you. This reveals another blue button. Press that blue button to go further down. Now you are facing three gears with different geometric symbols. They are from the left to the right, a pentagon, a circle and a hexagon. Each of them corresponds with the huge crystals you saw earlier. Look to the right and zoom in on the pliers. Click on the amulet and zoom out.

Take a look at the gears and notice that there is a little lever attached to each gear. By pulling that lever you can reset each gear back into the first position. So this means that you have to count this starting position as number one and that there is no zero position!!! Now have a look at the three pictures you took of the three crystals in your Journal. Notice that the mark on the scale of the pentagon crystal is on the fourth position from top. Notice that the mark on the scale of the circle crystal is on the third position and remember that the mark on the scale of the hexagon crystal you saw on the bed pole was on the seventh position. This means that you have to move each gear into those positions. So, from the left to the right, into positions 4, 3 and 7. Now remember I just told you that you have to count the starting position!!! This means that you have to move down the left gear only 3 positions, the center gear two positions and the right gear 6 positions.

You can only move the gears down. So if you make a mistake by setting one of the gears, reset it by pulling the little lever attached to the gears. When you have set the gears this way, look up to the left and press the big black button to go up again. Now you have to open the four locks at the same time by conduction the correct frequencies for each and every lock at the same time by using the sliders on the chair. First of all, move one of the sliders up and down to hear that the cable beneath you makes a different tone. Notice that each slider has twelve positions. Now you first have to determine the correct frequencies for each and every lock. You can do this by studying the pictures of the notes about the crystals.

Have a look at the pictures of the note about the quartz crystal. The first one shows that the first slider should be set to the sixth position. The second note shows that the optimum setting is near 8-12-4. Let's give it a try. Push the left slider to the sixth position, the center slider to the top position (12) and the right slider to the fourth position. Notice that the quartz crystal starts to vibrate meaning that this is the correct combination. When you zoom in on that lock you'll notice that a ring around the lock slowly turns clockwise. This means that the vibration will only last for a short time.

Now have a look at the pictures of the notes about the rock. The notes indicate that the total power is 20 and that the last slider must be set to the fifth position. This means that the other 15 have to be divided between the other two sliders. Notice that this note also shows that the lab strongly vibrated  with one of the melodies from the music chart. Have a look at the picture of the music chart to determine that the correct combination must be 10-5. So the correct frequency for the rock lock must be 10-5-5. Let's give it a try. Push the left slider to the tenth position, the center slider to the fifth position and the right slider to the fifth position also. Notice that the rock crystal starts to vibrate meaning that this is the correct combination.

Now have a look at the picture of the notes about the blue crystal. The notes show you that the setting for the left slider is 3 and that the others must be set to the output from the garden station (4) and the docking station (7). That means 11 together and that one of them must have the full power of the docking station. This means that two combinations are possible: 3-7-1 and 3-1-7. By trying out both combinations you'll see that the last one is the correct one.

Now have a look at the picture of the note about the nara. The only note you found about nara shows that it has to be powered so the board can generate and that it has to be divided equally by all three sliders. Because the board can generate a power of 36, the only correct combination can be 12-12-12. So simply move all sliders to the top position to see the nara rock vibrate.

Good... now you have the correct combinations for all the locks. Now the last problem is that you have to set these combinations in a very short time to unlock the four locks all together. Save your game just in case!!! Here we go:

Push the left slider to position 6
push the center slider to the top position
push the right slider to position 4
push the left slider to position 3
push the center slider to position 1
push the right slider to position 7
push the left slider to position 10
push the center slider to position 5
push the right slider to position 5

push all three sliders to the top position

When you've done this correctly and quickly enough, all four locks will open and a bridge to the next part will appear in front of the chair. Press the blue button at the right side of the chair and exit the chair. Cross the four boulders. Look around to see a huge piece of stone lying in the elevator. When you study it, it turns out to be a part of nara-stone from the wall of the linking cabin.

All four locks opened...

Go forward one step. Look at the right and move the slider to the right. Turn to the left and go one step forward. Turn to the right and zoom in on the crystal figure of Yeesha. Click on the amulet and zoom out. Look to the left and zoom in on the Journal. Click on the amulet and look through the Journal. When finished reading, turn to the left and walk toward the two dispensers.

Zoom in on the left dispenser. Notice the shield with the combination 10-5-5 which corresponds with the frequency of rock. Click on the amulet. Zoom out and zoom in on the right dispenser. Notice the shield with the combination 12-12-12 that stands for the frequency of nara. Zoom out and look down. Notice the containers beneath the dispensers. Move them to the left.

Return to the chair. Have a seat and press the blue button to close the lid of the chair. Move the three slides all the way up (12-12-12) and see what happens. One of the crystal figures will fall from the ring above and will go to the dispenser. But because you moved the containers to the left, the figure will not end up in the containers but on the floor. The result is that the figure unloads its electricity and sets free its nara detonating frequency! Also the piece of nara wall on the elevator in the bomb factory explodes setting the elevator free. Now you know what caused the explosion back in Tomahna!!!

Press the blue button once more to pull up the lid of the chair. Cross the four boulders once more. Look around to see that the piece of nara stone has been blown away. Go forward one step and turn to the left. Step into the elevator. Look around and you'll see the lever of the elevator attached to one of the poles. Before pulling the lever, look down at the right side of the lever to notice a medallion hanging on a collar. Zoom in on the medallion. Pull down the little bent lever at the center of the medallion. Take a picture of the colored panel!!!

Where to find the medallion...

...and where to find the little lever

Now pull up the green-lit handle. When the elevator stops all the way up, zoom in on the medallion one more time. Pull down the little bent lever. If you didn't do this before, take a picture of the colored panel!!! You are going to need this image later in Serenia. So you really MUST take a picture of these colors because they are different with each and every game!!! If you don't, you'll be stuck in Serenia for ever!!!

This is how the medallion looked with me... I'll bet they look different with you!

Zoom out. Exit the elevator and climb the stairs all the way up. Your next Age will be Serenia but before going there you make a short trip to Tomahna. So enter the linking cabin and link back to Tomahna.


Tomahna - Part 3

When you arrive at Tomahna you'll be witness of someone coming out of Yeesha's bedroom. Standing outside the bedroom this person uses some kind of linking book and links himself away. You just see the linking book falling down to the place below Yeesha's bedroom. Turn to the right and pull the little lever to the right. Climb down the stairs and go to the left. Press the button on the right side of the elevator and get in. Turn around and push the button.

You'll end up in the fireplace of Aturs' bedroom of course. Exit the bedroom. Go to the right. Walk past the elevator on the platform. Pull the handle on the railing to the right. Look down to see the linking book laying on the platform beneath Yeesha's bedroom. Cross the bridge. Pull the lever on your left to the right. Walk down the bridge. Enter Yeesha's bedroom.

What a mess this place is. The person you just saw coming out of the bedroom must have been looking very hard for something. Turn to the left and walk toward the bookcase. The person also has broken the glass doors of the lower compartment of the bookcase. Zoom in on the left compartment. Click on the amulet. At the tone of his voice you know that this person is no one else but Achenar!

Zoom out and zoom in on the right compartment. Look at Yeesha's handprint. It not only tells you that she is a "Child of Water", it also shows some of her hand lines. Take a picture and zoom out. Now let's find out what kind of linking book Achenar has dropped down to the place beneath Yeesha's bedroom. Remember the correct order of pushing the books: 12, 6, 8, 3 and 14. Go down and walk all the way to the left until you reach the easel with the painting. Turn to the right and look down to discover the linking book. Open the linking book and click on the image to get linked to Serenia.


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