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� February
2003 Bert Jamin (www.gamesover.com)
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Level 4:
Tower and Library
Use the Invisibility Cloak to avoid Filch
and meet Ron�s brother Charlie.
Find 1 secret Wizard Card. Find 1 Secret
[4.1] With Norbert safely bundled up,
Harry set off for the tallest tower. He hoped that the cloak would conceal him
from Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris.
Harry runs through a door behind Argus
Filch who is carrying a petrol torch. He turns around: Eh?
Follow Filch but make sure you stay out of
reach of his torch light or he will catch Harry!
Turn left behind the corner. Filch will
take the left side of the central bookcase. You�d better take the right side,
run to the end and walk up a small staircase of three steps around the corner
left. From there, cast Alohomora on the opposite door and open it.
Harry is safe on high
First climb the bookcase and jump from
case to case grabbing a couple of Beans.
Then, return to this spot and make sure Filch is walking in the opposite direction. Jump down and leave through the door you�ve just opened. On your left there is a Save Book.
A save Book on your left
Wait a few seconds and turn right, run up
the staircase. In a cut scene you�ll watch Filch leaving this area through a
secret door. The door you just ran through closes now.
[4.2] Run up the stairs and open the door
with Alohomora.
Enter and past the corner left you�ll
see Filch patrolling again in the upper part of the Library. You�ll also
notice a Flipendo switch. Wait for Filch to turn right and run to the alcove
between two bookcases where the switch is.
Don�t cast Flipendo yet but turn around
and watch Filch going up and down.
In a cinematic you will see how a door
unlocks. Immediately Filch will run to the door and say:
Meantime you�ve also noticed that the
door is at the other end of the Library.
First jump to the other bookcases and grab
more Beans. Stand on the last bookcase and from here watch Filch going backward.
Jump safely down and leave by the door.
Go left and you�ll find your next Save
Book. Run to it and you�ll watch Filch disappearing once again by a secret
door. Save.
[4.3] Turn right and cast Alohomora on
the door to open it.
Harry enters another room of the Library.
Filch is patrolling on the blue carpet. There is a Flipendo switch in the corner
on the right, but leave that for the time being. Always aware of Filch turn left
and follow the blue carpet till you�ll find an alcove on your left with a door
and a lock. Open it with Alohomora.
Quickly run inside the room and you�ll
hear Filch laughing behind you. But he won�t follow in. When he has left, cast
Flipendo on the wall switch. That will open a grilled door higher up.
how can I get up there? , says Harry.
Go out this room and return to the Flipendo switch you just saw in the corner. Now cast Flipendo (from a distance) and the bookcase will fall down forming a ramp to the top of the cases.
A ramp to the top of the bookcases
Quickly jump on that ramp before Filch
catches you (he�ll come running to this spot) and walk up.
Harry can reach the entrance you just saw. Go inside and cast Flipendo at the switch on your left, which will open a door downstairs.
Flipendo on this switch
Immediately Filch will run to that spot, so you can see where it is located. There is a door with a lock in the unveiled small room.
That�s Harry�s next destination!
Go out here and jump back to the opposite
bookshelf. Standing at the corner of the bookshelf turn left and from there cast
Alohomora on the door in the alcove.
Alohomora on top of the bookcase
When Filch has gone jump down and cast
Flipendo on the switch inside the new room. That will open another grille
Return to the ramp and ascend. Find your
way to the new area and enter.
Cast Flipendo on the switch and an exit
door will open downstairs to a second room.
Go up to the Gargoyle and cast Lumos. That
will charm a staircase of three Magic Clouds in the second room.
Three Magic Clouds are charmed
Jump and climb from Cloud to Cloud and up
to the balcony. Take a Bean.
Look down and observe a Flipendo switch in
the fourth room. Jump down; there is also a Gargoyle in a niche. Cast Flipendo
on the switch which will open one door and close another, whilst Filch will
disappear again through a secret door.
Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle. Now it�s
becoming really weird. You�ll see a number of Magic Clouds and another area
with a Gargoyle.
Jump from Cloud to cloud and up to the
balcony. Go to the other side, where there are three more Magic clouds in the
air. Jump from Cloud to Cloud to a higher balcony and grab a Bean.
Cross the balcony and you�ll see a Magic
cloud. Jump from there to a higher balcony. There is an alcove with a Gargoyle,
the one you just saw in a cut scene.
Cast Lumos on him and that will charm one
more Magic cloud in the previous area.
Take a Bean and turn left. Here are two
Magic clouds.
From the first Cloud you�ll notice the chest down below
Jump all the way down. In this corridor
you�ll find a Flipendo switch on one side and a chest on the other. Cast
Alohomora on the chest and acquire your Wizard
Card #72: Helga Hufflepuff, Medieval Wizard, dates unknown. Co-founder of
Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts houses.
The chest contains a Wizard Card
Turn around and cast Flipendo on the
switch. That will open the door on your right side. Harry is back in the lower
room with the Gargoyle. Go left and ascend the staircase of three Magic clouds
once again.
Jump to the balcony and cross it. On the
other side there are your three other Magic Clouds. Jump from there to the
balcony. Now turn around and jump to the next higher Magic Cloud. From here jump
to the balcony on your right. Turn left and now Harry is back in front of the
two Clouds where he jumped down to the chest a while ago.
Jump from Cloud to Cloud to the next
Here is your next Save Book.
[4.4] Turn left and go to the balcony.
You�ll find a staircase of Magic Clouds.
Another Magic Staircase
Jump from Cloud to Cloud and from the 6th
and highest Cloud you�ll see Flich patrolling with his oil lamp once again.
Filch keeps following Harry
Jump to the ledge when the coast is clear
and promptly proceed to the room in front of Harry. Cast Flipendo at the sign on
your right.
That will let the bridge rotate through a
quarter circle. Filch runs to the opposite side: D�you think I�m blind? I�m not letting anyone into that tower
Go out and walk to the top of the bridge.
A cut scene will give you a view of two jars on the right side. One of the jars
breaks into pieces and... Peeves emerges!
Damned Peeves again!
Promptly Filch runs to Peeves:
you�ll be banished for this!
From the top of the bridge our clever
friend Harry Potter observes this event:
Still standing on this position, cast
Flipendo at a jar on Harry�s left side.
The high tower
Ron�s brother, Charlie, had arranged to
collect the Dragon from the tower and return him to Romania.
Hagrid�s Dragon is returning to