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� February
2003 Bert Jamin
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Complete the Spell lesson.
Find 1 secret Wizard Card. Find 1 Secret Area.
[2.3] Harry enters the Greenhouse and meets Professor Sprout.
class. I am Professor Sprout. Today we�ll learn the Incendio Spell, which is
useful against all manner of dangerous plants.
the correct Incendio symbol. Hold down the left mouse button and follow the
pattern. Then, release the button.
The Incendio pattern
Obtain 5 points for mark 50%, 10 points for mark 65%, 15 points
for mark 80%, and 20 points for mark 95% - the same thing as always when
learning a Spell.
When you master the Spell, Sprout says:
Now it�s time for the Incendio Challenge. Through the doors, Mr.Potter.
I�ll watch you from the balcony.
Harry enters a room full of a kind of cactus plants: Those
are Spiky Bushes, says Prof. Sprout. You
may cast Incendio on them but step back to avoid their needles.
Cast Incendio on all of the plants and step back whenever you do.
Incendio on a Spiky Bush
Cast Alohomora of the chest and extract a BB Bean.
Proceed through the opened door and cast Flipendo on a cauldron.
Careful here! A third Gnome will try to get you!
Save by this book
[2.4] In the next greenhouse room Harry will find lots of Spiky
Bushes and a Tentacula.
Approach the Tentacula and Sprout will say:
This is a typical species of Venomous Tentacula. Cast Incendio to wilt
After you wilted the Tentacula with the Incendio spell
Professor Sprout goes on giving instructions: Good
work. Now collect the Challenge Stars to complete your lesson. Away you go!
Now why are all of these Spiky Bushes here? Of course...
deceive Harry! Cast Incendio on each and everyone. Find a chest in each of the
four corners and cast Alohomora to retrieve the Beans from them.
A chest was hidden
Now leave this chamber and get your first Challenge Star.
1st Challenge Star
Now you will arrive in another Greenhouse with a tree in the
middle. In each of the four corners there is a plant case. Cast Alohomora on
each. The case will then fall down and unveil a Flipendo switch on the wall.
Cast Flipendo on these four switches. Each plant case will erect and hide the
switch again.
Then, the tree in the middle will rotate and go down in the floor,
opening a staircase going down.
Go down and stun the two Gnomes with Flipendo. When that�s done
you�ll get a Card! Take the Wizard Card #19: Newt Scamander,
1897-present. Celebrated author of
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.
Wizard Card and Challenge Star
Cross the bridge and take your 2nd Challenge Star.
[2.5] Cast Alohomora on the lock of the door.
Harry enters the next room with a girl who is standing in front of
a large tree: Those vines are attacking
that poor tree!
A kind of Fairy is flying in:
looks like a Doxy!
When the Doxy attacks cast Flipendo on it to get rid of it.
Don�t let it come near to Harry, it will bite him.
If Harry approaches the tree he�ll say:
Those vines are dangerous! I�d better not step on them.
Don�t step in the water either, it�s some kind of acid.
Incendio on the aggressive vines
On the right side there a Frog jumping up and down on a branch.
Jump to that branch first and have the Chokkie.
On the second branch
Next, jump to the third branch and get your 3rd
Challenge Star. Jump to the fourth branch and gather the Beans.
When the door opens, two Doxies fly in. Cast Flipendo on each of
[2.6] Jump to the wooden ledge where you will see an arrow pointing
to the right side.
Follow the arrow: climb the spiral staircase. You�ll arrive at a
ledge with another arrow. There is a Tentacula behind the tree. Cast Incendio to
temporarily stun the carnivorous plant.
Stun this Tentacula before jumping
Jump to the opposite ledge and stun the next
You may now look down in the hollow tree. Climb these stairs, turn
around where the arrow is pointing to the left side and jump to the ledge. Cast
your Spell on the Flipendo switch.
Flipendo on this switch
That will trigger the elevator by the tree left of the switch.
First cast Incendio on the Tentacula, then jump on the elevator platform when it
Ride down and jump to the ledge with the next Challenge Star.
[2.7] There are 4 Gnomes in the room on top of the stairs.
Some kind of Flipendo stuff first!
Left cast Incendio on all the Spiky George Bushes Jr.
Go to the next room and empty the cauldrons with
Place the statues where they belong
When the three statues are lifted onto the plates return to the
previous room where the grille door will now have opened unveiling a Flipendo
That will open the door to a next Challenge Star!