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Hogwarts Main Entrance/Corridor to the Girl's Toilet (Troll)
Quidditch Match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw
� February
2003 Bert Jamin (www.gamesover.com)
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If you have any suggestions to improve this walkthrough, let me know by sending me an email: [email protected] .
Potions Lesson
Find the Potion Ingredients.
Find 1 secret Wizard Card. Find
2 Secret Areas.
[3.9] Harry runs down the stairs to the Dungeons.
Keep going down until you reach a lugubrious room full of
color-smoking cauldrons.
Meet a dark, unfriendly individual:
back Wiggentree Bark, Moly, Dittany and Flobberworm Mucous.
Follow past the central pillars and outside walk over the bridge.
A camera view will fly to an Ingredient on the opposite side. Harry says: Hmm�
That must be Dittany.
When Harry crosses the bridge to catch the Dittany, it suddenly
collapses and Harry tumbles down to a lower floor.
Harry crosses the bridge...
...and tumbles into the deep
am I? I wonder if Snape tricked me?
[3.10] Harry may now enter a room with a Flipendo block locked up
in small central room.
There are two more tall Flipendo blocks on the opposite side of
the small room, past a deep trench.
Jump to the opposite side and take a good look at this puzzle.
Obviously the blocks will have to be moved with Flipendo. You can see the
Two tall blocks...
You can push a block to the balcony, but the block is too high to
Instead, move the blocks one by one toward the middle of the trench. The blocks will slide down in the trench...
...forming a path
That will also open the grilles of the central room. Go to the
opposite side and push the released block with four Flipendo all the way over
the path to the front of the balcony.
From what Hermione
told me. I think that�s the Moly.
Walk to the Moly and Harry will collect it. That will also open
the next grille. Stand on the pedestal and cast Flipendo on the switch. Harry
will then be lifted up. Jump off the pole and ascend the stairs. Your next Save
Book is left.
Better save here
[3.11] The next room contains two Flipendo switches, one left of
Harry and one high on the opposite wall.
Flaoting blocks and two switches
Cast Flipendo at the one on the left wall and two floating blocks
will start moving. The first is floating horizontally and the second vertically.
Jump on the first one when it approaches. Ride and jump to the
second when it has lowered.
Careful in this room: there is no floor. Jump to the ledge on the
left. Turn around and cast Flipendo at the switch on the opposite wall.
This door opens and will close soon
Quickly run inside and collect your
Card #49: Elladora Ketteridge, 1656-1729. Witch who discovered the use of
Gillyweed. She nearly suffocated after eating it, recovering only when she stuck
her head into a bucket of water.
Cast Alohomora on the lock and this door will slide upward. Cast
Flipendo on the switch and the door on the left will open. Go stand on the plate
and cast Flipendo on the switch.
Harry will be lifted up. Jump off the lift into a new room with a
switch and a door. Flipendo on the switch will open the front door. Jump back to
the familiar vertically floating block (careful: Harry has a tendency to over jump;
it�s is a tricky jump).
Now jump to the second floor without falling in and grab all Beans. Jump back to the block (another tricky jump) and ride up. On top, quickly cast Flipendo on the switch.
That will engage another floating block on the third floor. Ride
down and up again and finally jump to the third floor. Seize your 1rst Challenge
Harry�s first Challenge Star
Before jumping on the block open the door with the lock by casting
Alohomora. Now jump to the block and ride all the way to your next Save Book.
Jump on the block and save your game.
[3.12] And it�s still jumping time!
There are four floating ledges on your left. Their shape tells you
they�re not very stable.
Keep running and jumping, they will quickly drop down when you
step on them. Run and jump to the platform in front of the wall switch. Cast
Flipendo to engage another floating block on your left. First cast Alohomora on
the grilled door, and then jump on the block when it approaches.
Alohomora on the door first
Ride the block to the opposite side, jump to the platform and cast
Flipendo on the switch. On your right there is a similar situation. Cast
Alohomora on the door and ride the block.
[3.13] Run and jump again the row of four collapsing blocks and
jump to the platform with the Star.
Keep running and jumping
Take the 2nd Challenge Star and enter the corridor.
Harry will see how the Bloody Baron floats out of a door that
immediately closes again. Do not let him touch you �Auch! Stand aside when he
passes. He�s following a steady track.
Do not take the stairs on your right but wait for the Baron to
return and follow him through the door to a dark room with two chests each
standing in an antechamber.
Stand by the side of the grilled door and wait for the Bloody
Baron to fly in or out again and quickly sneak through the door.
All Gnomes on their but
One of the doors gives access to an alcove with a Chocolate Frog.
Go get the Frog. Another alcove contains a chest. Open with Alohomora and enjoy
the Beans.
Cast Flipendo on the Dragon statue. It spins about its axis.
Nothing happens. Wanna try Flipendo again? The second time it will shed a number
of Beans.
That looks
like Wiggentree Bark.
Grab the Wiggentree Bark and the next door will open.
Move the statue with Wingardium Leviosa onto the left plate. That
will open the corresponding grilled cage behind it and a second statue becomes
available. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the second statue and move it onto the
second plate.
The statue puzzle
That will open up the second cage and make a third plate